Publius Forum

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bush Discusses War on Terror in South Carolina

Cross-posted @ Rosemary's Thoughts.

I am putting the whole speech here, because I have not heard a word about this except that it is supposed to be good and no one is going to read it because there are more important things happening. Don't you know? There was another debate--yawn--and some chick got arrested for drunk driving.

I see. And when the President of the United States gives a speech on the state of the war that the jihadists have waged against us, this is potato chips? Nothing? That is why I took up so much space. If they do not be careful, I'll start printing everything over at the White House! I may be picking it apart with great joy or sorrow, but at least someone will know what is going on around here. (Over at Rosemary's Thoughts and DoD Daily News-2.)

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