You have absolutely no idea how many people are taken away never to be heard from again until there is in outcry from the international communitees. While these countries, Iran-the ME-China-etc., do this on a continual basis; they do also do not like the negative attention given them. These are countries that actually care what their reputation outside of their respective countries are. It is up to all of us, Liberals and Conservates and everyone in-between, to shame these countries so that we may possibly save some lives. It has been done.
Have you ever noticed that sunlight is the best disinfectant? Yes, it has been and will continue to be. I hope I count on you to spread the word that CPB is back in business, and I also expect you to put this organization on your sidebar. Why? There is no telling when it may be YOU they are after next.
I would like to open this post up so I can reach as many people as possible. This is one of the most important posts I have ever written. Please post about it, visit the site (if it gives you an error message, just refresh it), find out more about CPB. We cannot do this without you. Thank you.
These are the posts I have backlinked to: Blog @, Big Dog's Weblog, Church and State, The Bullwinkle Blog, Woman Honor Thyself, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, The Random Yak, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The Amboy Times, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, Right Truth, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
These are the posts that were nice to trackback to me:
(please wait just a moment for the Potbelly Stove's and The Florida Masochist's URL's. My computer has a mind of its own, and it is being disobedient! Okay, everything is functioning now. Take care.)
1. Blue Star Chronicles: John Couey Gets Death Penalty for Horrific Murder of Jessica Lunsford.
2. The Florida Masochist: Floating down river.
3. Potbelly Stove: Sen. Zazue's blind spot.
4. The Florida Masochist: The Knucklehead of the Day award.
5. Church and State: Weekend Open Trackback - Aug 24 - 26.
6. Right Truth: Iraq - who replaces Maliki?
7. Planck's Constant: Death in the Family.
8. Faultline USA: ACLU Caught Discriminating Against the Black Culture?
9. third world county: For Your Next Exposure to the “Gomer Gestapo”.
10. CommonSenseAmerica: Hezbollah’s New Museum.
11. The Uncooperative Blogger: The Uncooperative Radio Show! Aug. 24, 25 and 26, 2007.
12. DeMediacratic Nation: The Bait Has Been Taken, Now Hook Him and Gut Him.
13. DeMediacratic Nation: Friday Sermon from Iran: Iran Protects the Gulf.
14, The Florida Masochist: The Knucklehead of the Day award.
15. Stageleft: Poor Ted, He Used To Be Cool.

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