EXCUSE ME?! We have Hizbullah slaughtering the Lebanese people on a daily basis, we don't do anything about that because we are trying to allow them room to work things out and hopefully get up the courage they showed during the Cedar Revolution to kick out the Hizbullah creeps. To no avail, apparently, but to accuse us of meddling? You've got some nerve! God does NOT like being lied to or about, especially when He can see for Himself!
My article is Hizbullah troubles elections, Iran tells USA to stop meddlin, and these two articles discuss this: Geagea: Hizbullah obstructing election to bring Syria back and Tehran prayer leader tells US to leave Lebanon alone. They can be found at the Daily Star in Lebanon.
Going to Africa, Ethiopia has left the area which they were controlling in Somalia to keep the peace, and who do you think came trouncing right back in to make sure there would be none? That is correct. The islamists. They have taken control of a town in south-west Somalia. And these misguided people in the USA want us to just cut and run? NOT IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT.
Here is that article: Islamists move in after Ethiopians leave Somali town.
Tonight was Saturday, but I can see that it is Sunday now. Whichever day you would like it to be, it is an open trackback day. Just add me to your post, trackback to me, and send me a ping. Have a great weekend, and stay home if you're going to drink. ;)
Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest and others: Stop the ACLU: New Years Free For All, Stuck on Stupid: New Year Extended Weekend Linkfest 12/29/2007-01/01/2008, Phastidio.net: Tradition [Year-End Open Trackback], Big Dog's Weblog: Discrimination in Baltimore, Right Truth: Final thoughts on the Bhutto-Pakistan situation for this year - UPDATED with video, Adam's Blog: Post of the Day for December 30, 2007, The World According to Carl: 2007 Liberty Bowl: University of Central Florida vs Mississippi State University, walls of the city: sensor ping XXXVIII, thanks to: Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Happy New Year 2008.
Right Truth: Happy New Year.
Diary of the Mad Pigeon: Short Notes on Bhutto.
123beta: One Year Ago: Saddam Hussein Hanged.
Stuck On Stupid: New Year Extended Weekend Linkfest 12/29/2007-01/01/2008.

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