This article was written by someone at the Multi-National Division – North Public Affairs Office, and they did very well. IMHO. Here is what the article entailed:
Multi-National Division – North PAO
COB SPEICHER, Iraq – Task Force Iron Multi-National Division – North, The University of Tikrit Law School and the University of Baltimore Law School began an official affiliation via a video teleconference held at Contingency Operating Base Speicher in Tikrit, Iraq, Nov. 27. The program will culminate in six Iraqi students attending the Master of Laws program in Baltimore, Md.
The program’s overriding goal is to “develop international relations, expand the international studies program at UBLS, and to further develop the graduates of the UTLS,” according to the official statement issued by the Provincial Reconstruction Team hosting the signing.
The schools formalized the association by simultaneously signing Memorandums of Understanding during the conference. The documents state that schools will “engage in the exchange of faculty, students and academic programs for mutual benefit.”
Additionally, the document notes that the schools will “collaborate with one another to establish, support and continue … the development of the Rule of Law and Civil Society.”
The U.S. Departments of Justice and Defense will fund “six qualified individuals … who are representative of Iraqi society,” according to the MOU. These students will then return to Iraq to help in reconstruction with regards to the rule of law.
“Iraq has been exposed to continuous wars, embargo, violations to human rights and occupation, and we hope from this agreement to improve all these conditions,” said Amir Ayaash, Dean of Tikrit University School of Law. “I hope this agreement will be the first step toward building and rebuilding an inclusive and full system in order to improve rightful relationship between Iraqi and American people. Universities play (a) fundamental role in all (of) this; thanks to (the) American people and Government to take this great step.”
He added that when America built its country two centuries ago, it was based on true and sound laws, respecting human rights and that within these two centuries, “America become a super power because of its sound and rightful laws.”
I find it encouraging that some Iraqis are going to learn our juris prudence. I just hope that the school they chose to perform this international relationship is not one of those Bush-bashing schools. I would hate for them to be betrayed once more.
I chose this article to be my open trackback post for today, because it is uplifting, interesting, and it is also news that you will NOT hear from the NY Times, WaPo, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, or any of the other slew of useful idiots. Have a wonderful day.
Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest: Woman Honor Thyself, Outside the Beltway, Mark My Words, Right Truth, Adam's Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Chuck Adkins, Adeline and Hazel, Pursuing Holiness, third world county, DragonLady's World, The World According to Carl, Pirate's Cove, Dumb Ox Daily News and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
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10. Right Truth: Something stinks about the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran.
9. The Florida Masochist: From the Silly News Desk.
8. The Florida Masochist: Speeding things up- Barely.
7. The Amboy Times: Putin Wins, Chavez loses.
6. The Florida Masochist: The Knuckleheads of the Day award.
5. Wolf Pangloss: The Gnostic Golden Compass.
4. 123beta: While I Was Away.
3. Right Voices: Harry Reid: Incompetence.
2. Wolf Pangloss: Baby Selling and Slavery.
1. Planck's Constant: Why Palestinian Children Die.
The Florida Masochist: Great job coach.

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