Publius Forum

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Alert: MAF Web-o-thon for the Troops!

This Thursday there is going to be a wonderful 8 hours web-o-thon which will be streamlined live so that we may all participate in it. Move America Forward is doing a marvelous job of gathering everyone together, and I look forward to having each of you drop in for just a while.

The Eagles UP! and their blog, Talon, are also participating in this telethon. We would like to contribute to our men and women in the Armed Forces by sending them care packages. I know I do not want them to believe we have forgotten them or that they are unloved. No, not happening under my watch!

I love what Mike is going to do, starting June 18, 2008. He has started matching each donation by 10% of his own money. Isn't he an angel? I think this is a wonderful idea. If you would like to help to help our Servemembers, please donate at the link for MAF at Eagles UP! so that we may help the amount blow the newspapers, congresspeople, and just everyone out of the pond.

As Melanie has reminded (again), we may think we are having a bad hair day, but can you imagine insignificant that would seem if we lived in Iraq, Iran, etc? How about the heat of 125-135 degrees with full gear on? Would you care to trade places? I know I'm very grateful to them for protecting our country, our lives, and their families and themselves. This is why we should be on the front lines caring for them. Because we want to.

The LiveStream will be located at UStream.TV. This will be on Thursday, June 26, and for more information please go here. Michelle Malkin will also be there, so we will have a double treat!

Here are a few articles that have been written and/or taken notice: The Sacramento Union: Special ‘Support the Troops’ Telethon June 26, The Radio Equalizer: A UNITED FRONT, Michelle Malkin: Six more days ’til the From the Frontlines web-a-thon, Radio & Records: More Support For All-Star Troop Benefit and HotAir: Hot Air TV alert: From the Frontlines web-a-thon, June 26.

The name of the Telethon is "From The Frontlines".
On June 26, from 4pm Eastern/1pm Pacific to 12midnight Eastern/9pm Pacific, Melanie and I will be anchoring a livestreamed, 8-hour fund-raising “web-a-thon” to send the largest number of care packages to our troops overseas in U.S. history. We’ve got a star-studded line-up participating in this effort to support our military, including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Dr Laura Schlessinger, Ollie North, Monica Crowley, Ann Coulter, Nancy Reagan, actor Kelsey Grammer, and Five for Fighting’s John Ondrasik. You’ll be able to tune it at Hot Air and on UStream, embed the broadcast on your own blogs, and even catch some of the show on your radio dial if you’re lucky to be in the listening area of a radio station partner. [Hat tip: Hot Air]

I pray I happen to have one of those radio stations which is close enough so I may be listen to it live! Wow! Have a great day.

PS. Melanie has already raised close to $250,000. We are trying to a goal of $500,000. Please help us. We want to show those *ahem* 'people' in Washington what it's like to actually SUPPORT THE TROOPS. Thanks.

Cross-posted @ The Talon.

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