Last week's Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst contained an e-mail we should have sent to the Flight 93 Memorial Project. We need to have a ton of e-mails if we are to be heard, otherwise we will look weak and not serious. I am counting on my fellow brothers and sisters to help us win this domestic battle that is going on right here, right now. Please copy this and
e-mail this letter to them. You are absolutely free to use and/or add your own words, just use something. We must defeat this Project in honor of our Heroes. Thank you.
To the Flight 93 Memorial Project (and copied to the Pennsylvania press):
Please answer a simple question. WHO is being depicted as “breaking the circle”?
The current Park Service website says that the path of Flight 93 breaks the circle. This is exactly how architect Paul Murdoch described his original Crescent of Embrace design. Flight 93 breaks the circle and turns it into this giant crescent that just happens to point to Mecca. The unbroken part of the circle (the crescent) remains exactly as it was. It is still an Islamic shaped crescent, still pointing to Mecca.
Don’t tell me that “Flight 93” breaks the circle. This is not a memorial to inanimate objects. The story of Flight 93 is a story of human action.
And don’t tell me that the passengers and crew are in any way responsible for breaking the circle. The circle is a symbol of peace and harmony. It is not the passengers and crew who broke the peace. It was the TERRORISTS.
That is the ONLY logical interpretation. Your planned memorial depicts the terrorists smashing our peaceful circle and turning it into a giant Mecca-oriented crescent. A more blatant depiction of al Qaeda victory is impossible to imagine.
But let’s hear YOUR explanation. Who do YOU think is being depicted as breaking the circle?
Hopefully the press will follow up, and ask Memorial Project officials what answer they are giving to this damning question.
Posts I've trackposted to:
Error Theory:
Who broke the circle?
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