This is a remarkable article about the Iraqi's coming together against the terrorists. The Sheiks, the Clerics, and other religious figures who met in Cairo on the 24th of August will meet again in Dubai on Friday, August 31, 2007, if I remember correctly from Hugh Hewitt's radio program. What I heard was fascinating.
Imagine WWII and there was a country wrought with war. Also imagine that the German people were finally sick and tired of this little pipsqueak, so they had decided to overthrow the government. Would we have helped them? Remember, we had a different media back then. We were all in this together, and there was no mistaking that.
This is HUGE! These religious people have decided to go to their followers, one of them has 20 million followers alone, and they are going to give the fatwa that states, "... end terrorist violence, and to disband militia activity in order to build a civilized country and work within the framework of law." Do you realize what this means?
When a Sheik or a Cleric makes a fatwa, it is considered law. The people must obey. This time, this fatwa, this means they and we are having much progress. For the first time in a long time, the Sunnis realize publically that there is room for them in this new government, and they want to participate. The Shia's also want the violence ended. It is better to have a united Iraq than a divided one.
Wait a minute...I thought I heard the media...nope. It was just a bug...
Don't forget to read these two articles as well: "We Have Very Strong Indicators That Al Qaeda Is Planning To Attack The West" and The President's Speech To The American Legion. Here is the Audio of the Speech.
I listened to them and believe me, it is much more powerful when you actually hear him. He has that old cowboy back, and he isn't playing around. It's about time.
In case anyone is wondering, I will be starting the Open Trackback tomorrow. That is why you do not see any action yet.
Okay, it is now Wednesday, so I can post this news as one of my Linkfest posts. Please follow these simple rules: No porn.
These are the posts that I have trackbacked to: Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Leaning Straight Up, The Bullwinkle Blog, Faultline USA, Conservative Thoughts, Webloggin, The Virtuous Republic, and The Amboy Times, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
These are also links I found at Linkfest, but for some reason they did not appear on my pinger. Hangings, Executions and other good stuff, by Right Truth. Pigeontrack: Dark Passage, by Diary of a Mad Pigeon.
These are the trackbacks from those people who were nice enough to stop by:
DeMediacratic Nation: Non-Sense of the Senate Resolution.
Faultline USA: America at a Crossroads –The Missing European Anti-America.
CommonSenseAmerica: 27 Cases of Illegal Alien Sexual Assault Against Children in 30 days.
Planck's Constant: Let New Orleans sink into the Ocean.
Planck's Constant: Moron Leona Helmsley leaves dog 12 million bucks.
Potbelly Stove: And, they criticize Iraq.

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