On PTSD, or more properly, on Coming Home.Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive's:
There's quite a bit about myself I'm not going to tell you, now or ever. I will tell you some things you haven't heard before, to be sure, but I won't tell you why I know what I know. Just see if it seems right to you. [Continue reading.]
Sheepdogs in civilian society (more coming home).Deebow at Blackfive's:
They became sheepdogs. Once you march to the sound of gunfire you are a different person and that matters. When you get back most people will have absolutely no idea what you feel like, where you have been, or what you have done. That is not a lick on you, if anything that is a flaw in their life experience. Is there a greater honor than to have served your country in wartime? [Continue reading "Sheepdogs in civilian society (more coming home)"]
More support for the troops.Blackfive:
Once again, blind stupidity in the face of overwhelming evidence that our soldiers continue to make progress toward victory.As a result, he (Secretary Gates) said he is faced with the undesirable task of preparing to cease operations at Army bases by mid-February, and lay off about 100,000 defense department employees and an equal number of civilian contractors. A month later, he said, similar moves would have to be made by the Marines.
[Among other things...] Troops will not get paid. [Continue reading]
A Surgeon's Letters Home From Iraq.
Let me introduce you to Chris, a USAF Surgeon, and milblogger at "Made A Difference" on his second tour in Iraq: [Continue reading.]
Gathering of Eagles:
More on Redacted.This one I could not pass up from The Spirit of Man.
I called the Dallas Mavericks front office today to express my displeasure at Mark Cuban’s funding of Redacted. I started the conversation by saying, “I hope this isn’t the only phone call you’re going to receive like this, but I am a soldier and I never raped nor murdered anyone.” The woman on the other end of the line said, “Why would you blame Mark?” When I responded, “Because he funded the project,” I found myself talking to dead air. [Continue reading.]
Isn't that adorable? LOL.
Now for some politics. Gregg Jackson is both a Christian and an active participant in today's political scene. He also shares a radio program with Kevin on Sunday nights from 7-10 pm EST (there's also a streamline) and is a friend of mine. He brings us Romniacs ignore evidence against their messiah. This is a very good article which voters should read. Just so that you are armed with the Truth, not so that you will hate anyone. You know me, and I do not promote hate. However, I do promote truth, whether or not it hurts. After all, which do you value more? Truth? Politics? With Romney, you have to wonder about both, IMHO, and if you truly do stand with him. Read Gregg's article. He used to be a citizen of Taxachusetts.
Update: I have just read an amazing collection of articles combined in one post by This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here titled, "Where’s the war? (UPDATED)."
Reading the usual newspapers and wire services this morning, I was surprised to find that there’s no mention of the war in either Iraq or Afghanistan. D’ya think we’re weary of the war and that’s why the Washington Post doesn’t even have it’s usual link to the US casualties on the front webpage? Nope, I don’t think that’s the reason at all. The war is beginning to go the way it should have gone four years ago. [Continue reading.]This is a very good and easy read. He talks about politics, because politics is affecting his life, he also talks about several articles he has read. Please go give him a visit. He is fighting for your right to be free. It's the least you can do. Oh, and leave a comment of encouragement, but only if you are sincere. There's enough bullcrap going around. I'm quite sure he doesn't need anymore. Thank you.
For those of you who are first time visitors to this site or others who simply just don't know, I do get much of my information from Milbloggers, Iraqis, Afghanistanis, Persians, Venezuelans, etc. If I relied on the news that is put out these days, I'd be writing about the demonrats talking points. No thank you!
Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest: The Florida Masochist: Weekly Dolphins prediction, Outside the Beltway: Tom Kean Endorsing John McCain, The Virtuous Republic: Chinese Economy Not As Big as Previously Thought, guerrilla radio: Aggiornamento: controllano le nostre opinioni, NON ESISTE una emergenza sicurezza, i dati sulla criminalità in Italia (firma la petizione)., The Populist: It’s the "It’s Monday Already?" Open Trackback and Open Thread Festival, Leaning Straight Up: Slow week notes, with cartoons, The Bullwinkle Blog: Moosetracks Open Trackbacks, Big Dog's Weblog: The Maryland Tax Rape Plan, The Amboy Times: Terror Threat to AZ Army Base?, third world county: Light Week, DragonLady's World: OTA Monday 58, Pirate's Cove: Beer Monday: Gray Lady Says Surge Is Working, Blue Star Chronicles: The Taliban Song - Toby Keith, The Pink Flamingo: A THREAT TO FT. HUACHUCA?, High Desert Wanderer: Monday Open House, and Right Voices: BOO HOO! My Uterus Is A Box, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
Potbelly Stove: Evils of drugs and alcohol illustrated.
10. Public Domain Clip Art: The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus.
9. The Amboy Times: The Libel Tourist.
8. Blue Star Chronicles: Vets for Freedom Speak Out Against Plethora of Anti-War Films.
7. Woman Honor Thyself: LeavE the “Thanks” in “ThanksgivinG”.
6. Planck's Constant: Bollywood Fashion and Music Awards.
5. 123beta: Why Don't You Just Shut Up!
4. Wake up America: When Success Is More Important Than Polls.
3. Blog @ MoreWhat.com: Proof that immigration enforcement works.
2. Truth in Cosmetic Surgery Blog: Kellie Pickler matches wits with a 5th Grader.
1. Right Truth: Possible terrorist threat in southern Arizona.

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