Why do I suggest that people of other faiths bother with what appears to be Christian problem? Because if the USA government, which was created upon Judeo-Christian principles, can eliminate God-given rights for us, then they can take away your rights as well.
Why are they doing this? Political correctness? Does it really matter? My right to worship to my God is more important to me than my right to breathe. Should I give up that right as well? God-given rights are simply that, GOD-GIVEN...not government granted.
They have come after our speech, our ability to support whatever candidate we like so that they have to work everyday since they were elected to get re-elected, our ability to assemble with whomever we choose so that men can have their private playhouse (golf courses) and women may have their own private places, and so many more rights.
Do you really own your property when the government can tax it away from you? What happened to taxation without representation? Do we not have the fire in the belly anymore, or is it that we no longer know right from wrong?
Anyway, that is why we should all be concerned. To strip someone of their constitutional right to do one thing is to strip us all of our rights...eventually. It just so happens that people seem to think that Christians will sit back and take it over and over again. Let me remind you, it was the Christians, not Muslims, that ran the underground railroads to free the slaves. It was the Christians, not the Hindus, who fought for the right for women to vote. It was the Christians, not the Buddhists, who fought for the very freedoms we hold dear and separate from England. Those are just the facts. Live with it. Christians will allow it, others will not. Keep that in mind...
Now back to the issue. No longer may the Pastors bring a Bible or pray with patients at the VA. Read Longstreets post, please. He covers this rather well. Thank you, and feel free to spread the news. Call your Senators and Congressman toll-free at 866-340-9281 and let them know what you think of the way our servicemen and servicewomen are being treated. Even if they want their Pastor to pray for them, they cannot. Have you ever heard of any government being so intrusive? Stop laughing. I mean in the USA, not Iran or North Korea.
Join the Christians Against Leftist Heresy blogroll sponsored by FaultlineUSA.
This is a group of wonderful people who would like to get back to basics and stop cutting corners, as the world would rather we do. NO WAY!
Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest and others: Nuke's News & Views: It's All About Change, Global American Discourse: Blog to Understand US Presidential Election 2008, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Further Risks of Energy Saving Bulbs, 123beta: Open Trackback Weekend, Conservative Cat: Catblogging - Boots Episode 6: Finally, They Hold Still Long Enough for a Picture, Stageleft: Open Trackbacks & Comments Sunday (The "Faint Hope" Edition), Global American Discourse: America and Europe Over NIE Report on Iran, Right Truth: Sunday Reading List, January 6, 2008, The Virtuous Republic: Why I want Georgia to Succeed, The Amboy Times: UK Blogger Arrested, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
7. Conservative Cat: 01/08/08: Memetics.
6. Adam's Blog: The Abortion State.
5. Big Dogs Weblog: Is New Hampshire Hillary's Exit Poll?
4. Right Truth: Bio-fuels, Food, and Politics.
3. Blog @ MoreWhat.com: Senator McCain’s Support of Amnesty.
2. Faultline USA: McCain Still Doesn’t Get it and Huckabee Never Did.
1. Wolf Pangloss: Adam Gadahn: "I don't need it to travel anyway."

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