Publius Forum

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Talon: The Eagles Up blog

We opened last Monday, and we did very well. This is just a little reminder to keep up the great work, keep visiting us (because we really do appreciate it), and spread the word about our opening.

As a reminder, here is a list of our contributors at the Talon:

Mon. - Rurik. (Head honcho!)
Tue. - Rosemary and Concrete Bob.
Wed. - Wednesday Hero and John Lilyea.
Thu. - Cao and Dave Jeffers.
Fri. - Ron Winter.

These are all fabulous writers in their own right, except for that Rosemary character. I don't know about her. She sometimes flies off the handle when she hears someone is messing with our troops. She gets so mad, I've never seen a person get that so blindly angry. I sure wouldn't want to be the target of her anger! No telling with crazy people, ya know?! (lol)

Please don't forget to read our front page also, Eagles Up! This is where you will find information about activities planned, news that isn't covered, and a host of other issues. You may also become an activist in this war at the homefront. Remember, to win this war it will take the whole country's will. Let us always be part of the solution. Thank you again. Have a great day.

This is an open trackback post. Feel free to put your best, funniest, or misc. work here. Share it with others, and they will share their work with you (if you like). Not familiar with trackbacks? First, choose the article you want to promote. Copy my permalink (URL) to your post. Then send a trackback to me. Don't have one? You can use Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger. Otherwise, leave a comment for me with the permalink for your post, the name of your blog, and a small excerpt, and I will add it to the list.

There are three trackbacks which I recommend: If you would like to join the Open Trackback Alliance visit The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns. If you would like to host a trackback party, or join another blogger's party, go to Linkfest Haven Deluxe for more information. If you would like to join the Open TrackBack Provider Blogroll visit The Blue State Conservatives for more information.

Posts I've trackbacked to at 'The Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns' OTA

The Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns: OTA Weekend and Petition.
Other members of OTA:

Su. walls of the city.
Su. Grandinite.
Su. Onemanbandwidth.
Su. Stageleft.
Su. InMuscatine.

W. Stop The ACLU.

F. Stix Blog.
F. The World According To Carl.
F. Perri Nelson (M, W, F).
F. 123beta (F, Wknd).

D. The Dumb Ox.
D. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker.
D. Conservative Cat.

S. LyfLines.
S. Church and State.

Wknd. Maggie's Notebook.
Wknd. Stuck On Stupid,.
Wknd. Blue Star Chronicles.
Wknd. The Uncooperative Blogger.
Posts I've trackposted to at Linkfest, OTA, and other sites:
W. Right Truth: OPERATION CORDUROY CAPACITOR: Taking the planet back from the radical Islamists.
Beagle Scout: The Nebraska State Senator who filed a lawsuit against God. A good read.
The Yankee Sailor: Weekend Open Post.
F. third world county (W, F): On Liberty.
A NEWT ONE: War News: About That War For Oil Lie.
F. Woman Honor Thyself: The I.D.F. Kills Shalit Kidnapper?
F. Pirate's Cove (M, F): Pirate Weekend Linkfest Sticky Post 5/2=5/4.
F. Pirate's Cove: 8 Stages Alert: This Time Blaming Hillary, Though.
Shadowscope: Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst.
Potbelly Stove: Evidence of Recession?
Wolf Pangloss: Hillary’s Good Luck Charm Finishes Second, Dies.
123beta: Last Day On The Job.
Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Cyclone Nargis rips through Myanmar.
Right Truth: Oprah moved from Rev. Wright to ... the dark side ....
Adam's Blog: Interview with Congressional Candidate Greg Nemitz.
Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Digg! Digg!
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:
THE BASIS FOR A STRONG NATION By R.J. Godlewski © May 3, 2008, All Rights Reserved 10. FOREIGN RELATIONS (THANK GOD I'M NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT) There's an old saying that God created families so that people would learn to...
2. Su. The Amboy Times: 58% Think Obama Denouced Wright to save face.
Hat tip, Hot Air. Most people aren't buying it. The plausibility of knowing Rev Wright for twenty years, attending his church, and even featuring some of his sermons in his book, but not knowing Wright's beliefs, is not selling. A Rasmussen...
3. Th. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: How to Identify Phishing: "IRS" Case Study.
Thank god I have experience with computers. You see, I got this in my email this afternoon: And no, my spam trap didn't catch it! Sure looks legit, doesn't it? Says it's from, has an official looking banner... But...
W. third world county (W, F): On Liberty.
Cutting off (or shouting down) debate on an issue to avoid having to deal with facts is the mark of a weak argument, which says a lot about most fake liberals’ arguments...

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