Yes, that country is Iraq. See the graph below. The horizontal line represents the devastation from the war to the success of the 'surge' to the entrepreneurial spirit ingrown in each of us. I am very glad to see Iraq finally succeeding in a good way.

Hat tip: Omar over at Iraq The Model (ITM).
May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.
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Spreading the wealth with The Pink Flamingo: Obama's New York, New York Moment, third world county: 100 Days of Blood and Toil and Sweat and Tears, Right Truth: Muslim Demographics, Woman Honor Thyself: Israel Doesn't Need Obama, and Woman Honor Thyself: Spring Fever! thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe, Potbelly Stove: Countering piracy: A difference of opinion, The World According To Carl: Miss USA: Christians Need Not Apply.
Cross-posted @ Rosemary's News and Ideas.

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