Pakistan President Signs Deal Expanding Taliban’s Power.
By Patrick Goodenough, International Editor
Islamic militants on their way to a peace meeting with Pakistani government officials in Peshawar, Pakistan on Monday, Feb. 16, 2009. Pakistan will impose Islamic law in the northwest where Taliban fighters increasingly hold sway. (AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)
( – Just days before Pakistan’s government hopes to secure billions of dollars in aid pledges from the U.S. and other countries, President Asif Ali Zardari has signed a law enabling Pakistani Taliban extremists to impose Islamic law in the North-West Frontier Province’s volatile Swat valley...CNSNews.
April 15, 2009.
Dare To Stand.
April 16, 2009.
The NRA is giving FREE 1-yr memberships to everyone who wants to join. They are trying to build up their membership to fight pending legislation that impacts our right to keep and bear arms. It is very important that anti-gun congressmen see how many people they will have to fight to get their legislation through. Please pass this on to everyone you know! This can include spouses and children also.
Hat tip: Mike C.
Exclusive: Obama Administration Stacking the Deck with Islamists.
by M. Zuhdi Jasser.
As we try to understand where the Obama administration will fall with regards to the global threat of political Islam, the first few months have provided a number of hints, not least of which was the tenor of the recent visit to Turkey. It was painfully obvious after witnessing the length to which the Obama team went to avoid any substantive discussion on political Islam and the threat it poses to human rights abroad and domestically...Family Security Matters.
April 17, 2009.
Napolitano is Lying to Americans About Her Department’s Rightwing Extremism Report; TMLC Files Suit.
ANN ARBOR, MI – The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, announced that on Thursday, April 16th, it filed a federal lawsuit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. The lawsuit claims that her Department’s “Rightwing Extremism Policy,” as reflected in the recently publicized Intelligence Assessment, “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,” violates the civil liberties of combat veterans as well as American citizens by targeting them for disfavored treatment on account of their political beliefs. Click here to read the complaint filed by the Thomas More Law Center...The Thomas More Law Center article.
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God Bless America!
Julie Griffin, Organizer
Triangle Conservatives Unite
April 18, 2009.
The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) was caught selling Sayyid Qutb (the father of Jihad) books and anti-Judeo-Christian material which state that those who wrote the Bible should “burn in hell for blasphemy.” (Video. Hat tip: Stop The ACLU.)
April 19, 2009.
Texas takes aim at Planned Parenthood.
The state of Texas has shut down four Planned Parenthood abortion facilities in San Antonio that were operating without licenses. Clinic officials say it is a matter of miscommunication, claiming that they were told no licenses were needed because they do not conduct surgical abortions. Jonathon Saenz of Free Market Foundation does not accept
Okla. lawmakers OK teaching on religious documents.
Oklahoma teachers would have broad flexibility to discuss religious documents, speeches, and other materials under a bill working its way through the state lawmakers. The Oklahoma Senate voted 40-7 Wednesday to approve the legislation. State Senator Clark Jolley says the bill would allow teachers to discuss the religious context of historical documents like the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of
EDITORS NOTE: I'll bet no one who fought the Revolutionary War and wrote the Constitution of the United States ever dreamed that a bill would be necessary to discuss THAT history on the grounds that is religious. So what, they would have said! It's history, you fools.
Dismissal sought in military religious bias case.
Government lawyers are seeking dismissal of a federal lawsuit alleging widespread religious discrimination in the military. The Justice Department says many of the lawsuit's claims are only "general grievances" and not wrongs against specific soldiers. They also contend that a soldier who joined the Military Religious Freedom Foundation in filing the lawsuit did not pursue his complaints enough with superiors first. The lawsuit alleges a pervasive bias within the military in favor of evangelical Christianity, including allowing troops to try to convert Muslims in Iraq and
April 20, 2009.
John Adams on Islam in 1830.
John Adams knew this, and Thomas Jefferson kept a copy of the Koran for The Barbary Wars from 1801-1805, but our leaders act “baffled” today. Have post-modernism, liberal secularism removed the yardstick people used to determine right from wrong and good from evil?...Mary Christina Love. Hat tip: ACT! For America.
May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.
Cross-posted @ Rosemary's News and Ideas.

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