Pardon me, but I believe the Amendment ! is a God-given right, not a government one. In this amendment it states, 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, OR THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE PEACEBLY TO ASSEMBLE; and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'
I believe just by typing Amendment I, I have made my case. Now show me where the government finds its rights, which it is granted only by us and we have not forfeited them, from this? Do they not understand what it means when it says YOU SHALL MAKE NO LAW? Ah, but you say that only applies to Congress, right? Wrong. Let me explain.
A city cannot make a law which contradicts the laws of the state, neither can the states make a law that is contrary to that of the federal government. This is one of the precious reasons we did not hand over all of the so-called rights this government seems to be able to find when they so desire, yet cannot read their own bills which they pass. We must stop this madness, and stop it now.
For this pastor and his family and for our very posterity, this cannot stand.
Here are some links to the story: Couple: County Trying To Stop Home Bible Studies (with videos) Channel 10 News, UPDATE: Deadline set in banned Bible study case Demand letter warns of 'irreparable' harm from First Amendment violation World Net Daily and County puts kibosh on home Bible study One News Now.
May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.
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Here are some great posts from my friends I'd like to share with you: third world county: Now, I Wouldn’t Go This Far, But…, The World According To Carl: Memorial Day 2009, Dumb Ox Diary News: Sotomayor Typical Bobble-Head Lib, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Who's the real activist?, The Pink Flamingo: Proof Ron Paul Bots & Libertarians Out to Destroy Lindsey Graham!, and Woman Honor Thyself: Memorial Day, thanks to Linkfest Haven.
Friends who shared their writings with you:
1. Woman Honor Thyself: Autism and Gina Marie Incandela.
2. Potbelly Stove: Climate Change: The GOP 'Gets it'.
3. Right Voices: Michelle Malkin » Holder undermines Georgia’s voter verification rules; ACORN cheers.
4. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: #1 Daughter reaches milestone.
Cross-posted @ TCU, SGP and Rosemary's News and Ideas.
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