Publius Forum

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Good News Open Trackback Tuesday

When I first started taking on the large task of moving 8 blogs into 1, it was quite an overwhelming thought. I had all of my blogs moved from Blogger over to Wordpress, because they can import them into one site. They are numbered in the order they were imported. I didn't realize it was going to be necessary to remember the order I imported them, but it is. That is, if you want to assign credit to the original post and where it came from. Oh well.

As I stated Monday, I had only completed 2 transfers the first day. Would you like to know why? Because I went through 7000+ posts by pressing 'previous posts' over and over and over again until I reached the beginning. YIKES!

Well, yesterday I found that all I need to do is pick out the month, leave everything else at 'all' or 'any' and press 'filter.' I did not know what filter meant, but it was worth the risk. Quick study, eh? lol. So now it is quicker to get to the posts I need to move over to here. Yippee! That is my good news for today. ;)

This is open trackback Tuesday. If you have a post that you would like to share with others, feel free to post it here. If you would like to share your posts with many more people, why not join Linkfest? It is quite easy to join (it's free), and it is mostly Conservatives. My, and they think we don't have differing opinions? LOL. Have a wonderful day.

PS. I will get to your posts to transfer them to the front page as soon as possible. That probably means a while for some, tomorrow for others. It will, however, get done.

Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest: Woman Honor Thyself: Have a “DarK” Christmas?, Outside the Beltway, Blog @, Mark My Words, third world county, Adam's Blog, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate's Cove, Leaning Straight Up, Chuck Adkins, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and OTB Sports, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Technorati. Add this post to Digg! Digg!

Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
  • 8. Woman Honor Thyself: Doozie of the DaY.
  • 7. The Amboy Times: So What do you do at Church?
  • 6. Faultline USA: Sleeping With the Bombers.
  • 5. Pirate's CovePirate's Cove: WTW: Love Children!
  • 4. Truth in Cosmetic Surgery Blog: Hooters Bikini Contest with a few Skeletons.
  • 3. The Amboy Times: Hajj Intimidating for Secular Reporter.
  • 2. 123beta: Good Stuff Tuesday.
  • 1. Planck's Constant: Xenophobia Bad - Islamophobia Good.
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