It is coming, unless we do something about it. I was posting an article that Debbie over Right Truth had posted, and I found that an Englishman will be taken into custody by the police for having written the truth about these animals--jihadists. It is true. His name and site are Lionheart and you can find this information also on his site.
This is England! I guess I could say this was England. How very sad. What do you say about bombarding 10 Downing St., London, England, with letters of disapproval and disbelief? Maybe if we raise such an uproar we can turn tide of jihadists in England. One thing is for sure. This is no way to fight a war...
Alas, if that were the only problem, but I am afraid the whoa is more and close.
Coughlin sacked.As for the banking situation, these money-grubbing bankers who belong to no country (or so they think) have embraced the Islamic Sharia Laws so much as to include them on the Board of Directors! So the world banks are now being managed by the BOD rather than the managers. Have you ever tried to reason with a board member? It is not as easy as you may imagine.
By Bill Gertz
Washington Times
Stephen Coughlin, the Pentagon specialist on Islamic law and Islamist extremism, has been fired from his position on the military's Joint Staff. The action followed a report in this space last week revealing opposition to his work for the military by pro-Muslim officials within the office of Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England. [Continue reading.]
Here is an article for you to see what is actually happening to our finances and why.
"GLOBAL BANKS ADOPTING ISLAM".To complete-for now-this article, here is an article I found quite interesting. These words are true. Most Americans seem to forget (if we ever knew) about the jihad against the Hindus and Buddhists in India. It is written by Jerry Gordon of American Congress for Truth.
By Patrick Wood
Editor of The August Review
News with Views.
...With Great Britain now pledging to become the Islamic banking center of the world, the stampede by all global banks to enter the world of Islamic banking is well underway.
The implications for the west, and especially for the United States, are staggering. Because all Islamic banking products must be created and offered according to strict Shari’a law, global banks are doing for Islam what it could never do on its own: give legitimacy to Shari’a and infiltrate it into the fabric of western society. [Continue reading.]
Now to the Open Trackback Weekend or Friday, whichever you prefer. It makes no mind to me. ;)
Posts I've trackbacked to at Samantha Burns' OTA, Linkfest and others: Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive's: Blackfive TV- Islam says submit at Pentagon, Pirate's Cove: TB Friday Featuring The Surrender Monkey: Surrendie Bored, The World According To Carl: Open Trackback Friday — January 4, 2008, Woman Honor Thyself: Falafel for Eskimos …yumma!, Stix Blog: Some Shananigans, CommonSenseAmerica: Crazy Friday - OTB Weekend, The Florida Masochist: Gambling on Florida, 123beta: Open Trackback Weekend, Blog @ Hillary’s Premature What!?, Blue Star Chronicles: A Blogger is Killed in Iraq, Church and State: Weekend Open Trackback Jan 4 - 6, Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns: Hangover OTA, Global American Discourse: A Blog to Understand US Presidential Election 2008, Adam's Blog: Post of the Day for January 4, 2008, The Amboy Times: Honor Killings in Dallas?, Right Truth: Analyzing the nature of extremism just got harder, Right Truth: Fellow Blogger Lionheart to be arrested for speaking the truth - UPDATE.
Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
3. Stix Blog: More from Lionheart.
2. Stix Blog: Lionheart to go to jail.
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