A second lieutenant at the time of his heroic action on Sept. 27, 2006, Lt. Jackson was cited for selfless courage under extreme enemy fire while serving as a company fire support officer with company A, Task Force 1st Battalion, 36th Infantry Regiment in Al Anbar Province, Iraq.For some more links, please check the Washington Post story, the Citation, Project Hero blog (The QandO), and you may download this Hero's story by right clicking and choosing "Save Target As...".
Lt. Jackson was engaged in combat operations with his unit against insurgents and while he attempted to recover a disabled vehicle, his unit came under heavy machine gun fire, which resulted in several Soldiers being wounded. As he applied first aid to a severely wounded comrade, he too was shot in the thigh.
Lt. Jackson’s citation in part reads: “Upon regaining consciousness after being shot, second lieutenant alternated between returning fire and administering first aid to the Soldier. Second Lt. Jackson was hit again with machine gun fire as he helped carry his wounded comrade to safety, but he never faltered in his aid. Although his own severe wounds required immediate evacuation and surgical care, 2nd Lt. Jackson refused medical assistance until his wounded comrade could be treated. Second Lt. Jackson’s selfless courage under extreme enemy fire was essential to saving another Soldier’s life and is in keeping with the finest traditions of military service…” [Continue reading this article at The QandO.]
I would like to say, "Thank you" to 1st Lt. Jackson. I would also like to say job well done. It is to people like these whom I shall honor and be grateful to for keeping this country safe. Thank you to all of you as well. Godspeed.
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Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites: The QandO: Project Hero: 1LT Walter Bryan Jackson, Distinguished Service Cross, Outside the Beltway: Democrats Breaking Up Over Obama-Clinton Fight?, Right Truth: Watch This Video and Laugh!!!, Adam's Blog: Post of the Day for March 26, 2008, Shadowscope: Wordless Wednesday, Pursuing Holiness: Katrina Coverup By American Society of Civil Engineers, The Yankee Sailor: Wednesday Open Post, D equals S: TODAY’S OPEN THREAD AND WTF!: HILLARY’S MEXICAN COUSIN, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:
1. Wolf Pangloss: A Billion Cheers for Father Zakaria Botros.
3. Conservative Cat: 03/27/08: Hands On.
4. Right Truth: Al Gore to Climate Change Skeptics.
5. The Amboy Times: Fitna the Movie Finally Released.
6. Beagle Scout: “If I had a business that half the product we turned out was defective […], I would shut that business down.
7. Mark My Words: Global warming - this post is not a joke.
8. Stageleft: Life on the left side: Progress In Iraq.
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