He must have pissed off Hillary pretty good!
PS: Wow! I didn't realize there was so much to say about this video, but Right Voices has found a way to write an entire article about this. Not only has RV written one, it is rather in-depth and very good! Great job, Right Voices!
Today I am having an open post trackback, and you are welcome to trackpost or ping an article you wish to share with others. I like to use Linkfest for this, because there are many people with good posts already up over there. It is also a good way to share your articles to more people. Give it a go, eh? The only rules I have is that you must link the post's URL you are using for your trackpost and there shall be no porn. You don't have a trackback?! (Why not?) You can use Wizbang's stand alone trackback or pinger. Thanks, and have a great day.
Posts I've trackposted to at Linkfest and other sites: Celebrity Smack: I Can Has Linkz, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Earth Day Environmental Benefits and Unintended Consequences, third world county: Tuesday Titter, Woman Honor Thyself: Ban GunS?..I Don’t Think Sooo, Dumb Ox Daily News: Traitor Jimmy Carter Gets His Answer, Conservative Cat: Notes from Ferdy - A Disaster Involving Pizza Cheese and Boots, Adam's Blog: Post of the Day for April 22, 2008, Right Voices: The New Willie Horton Ad Asks "Can a man so weak in the war on gangs be trusted in the war on terror"?, The Yankee Sailor: Tuesday Open Post, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Friends who shared these posts for your reading pleasure:
1. Planck's Constant: Muslim Goat Wife Passed Away.
2. Wolf Pangloss: Happy 80th Birthday Hosni! April 6 Strikes on May 4.
3. 123beta: Up, Up And Away.
4. The Amboy Times: Anti-Obama ad.
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