Publius Forum

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Pres. Sarkozy: Diplomacy you CAN use! (OTB)

Most people are familiar with President Sarkozy's speech that he gave this week to a group of diplomats. Because it was to a group of diplomats, it took me a while to get around to forcing myself to read it. WOW!
...On Afghanistan, he told the assembled diplomats, "the duty of the Atlantic Alliance as well as that of France," is to "increase efforts." He then announced he would be sending additional trainers to assist the Afghan Army. On Israel, he said he "would never budge" on its security. He warned about Russia, which "imposes its return on the world scene by playing its assets with a certain brutality," and he cautioned against China, which pursues "its insatiable search for raw materials as a strategy of control, particularly in Africa."
In his speech this week to the diplomats, Mr. Sarkozy warned of the need for tough diplomacy, including "growing sanctions," to avoid the "catastrophic alternative: the Iranian bomb or the bombing of Iran." That doesn't sound far from Senator John McCain's useful formulation that "There's only one thing worse than the United States exercising the military option; that is a nuclear-armed Iran." The important point is that Mr. Sarkozy has put on record that he won't let Iran develop a bomb under cover of feckless Western diplomacy. [Continue reading.]
I knew I was happy to see Chirac leave (hope your jail cell is as rotten as you are), but I did not expect such a good replacement. Finally, France has learned to stand on their own two feet. Good job, France, and thank you. It gets kind of tiring being the only country in the world who gives a damn...

What will the Democrats do now? They say they want to 'fix' our relationships with our allies. Our allies are moving to the right. Oops! Then they go and visit our enemies. Is this what they mean? They desire to speak with the same people whose only thoughts are about destroying us? Hmm. Indeed, they are in more than a pickle!

Breaking news: Sorry to 'distract' you with this, but Larry Craig just gave a press release stating that he has the 'intent' of leaving the US Senate on September 30, 2007 so that he can pursue his legal options without 'distracting' the necessary work the Senate must do at this very serious time of war. Phooey! I had to write it, but that doesn't mean I had to enjoy it.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

This is today's Open Trackback. Please read the article. It really is a good one by Opinion Journal online.

As always, I would like you to sign-up at Linkfest to participate in these open trackbacks. For my friends, you can still trackback, but really, check it out. ;)

These are the posts I have trackbacked to: Is It Just Me?, Leaning Straight Up, Conservative Cat, The Amboy Times, Mac's Opinion, MacBro's Place, and DeMediacratic Nation, Potbelly Stove, The Florida Masochist and Planck's Constant, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. Digg!

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