
I find this quite amazing and encouraging. Do you think we'll ever see this on the evening news? Yes. Sadly, me neither. It does not fit the mold of the sectarian civil war. That is why it is so important that we have people such as Michael Yon on the ground bringing us the truth. [He is over there with only the support we provide for him. If you like hearing the truth and would like to support to support him, you may do so here. Thank you.]
I would like to share with you a couple of paragraphs he also wrote in this post.
A Muslim man had invited the American soldiers from “Chosen” Company 2-12 Infantry to the church, where I videotaped as Muslims and Christians worked and rejoiced at the reopening of St John’s, an occasion all viewed as a sign of hope.
The Iraqis asked me to convey a message of thanks to the American people. "Thank you, thank you," the people were saying. One man said, "Thank you for peace." [This one made me tear up with pride.] Another man, a Muslim, said "All the people, all the people in Iraq, Muslim and Christian, is brother." The men and women were holding bells, and for the first time in memory freedom rang over the ravaged land between two rivers. (Videotape to follow.) [Continue reading.]
Actually, the whole article has me beaming. Imagine a city, a state, a country who has finally found freedom after so many years, decades of oppressions.
Our men and women are the best in the world, but they do not like that label. They are so humble. THAT is why I will stand up for them when they are attacked by idiots who know not of what they speak and when they are arrested unjustly. You bet your sweet touchy. God bless you for our freedom, and thank you for all your sacrifices. When you come home, I pray it is a joyous occasion. Godspeed.
Hat tip: Little Green Footballs.
This will be Thursday's Open Trackback. It must be shared. If you are from the press, READ HIS WARNING for this post. There are ways to find you, and he shall not be ripped off again.
If you backtrack from here, all I ask is that you place a link in your article leading back to this article. Oh yes, no porn, also. Other than that, have at it, and have a great day.
Posts I've trackbacked to: Perri Nelson's Website, Dumb Ox Daily News, Nuke's, Right Truth, Pirate's Cove, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, High Desert Wanderer, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first): (Be right back, 12-14. Need to boot-up again. grrr.)
15. Blue Star Chronicles: Joe Lieberman is Right.
14. Right Truth: Culturism - Right Truth Book Club Selection.
13. Blue Star Chronicles: Kellie Pickler's Moving Performance at the Country Music Awards.
12. Blue Star Chronicles: Sameer and Lamiyah Take up Residence at the Baghdad Zoo.
11. Potbelly Stove: Hoo Whee! I'm rich....
10. third world county: Chapping my gizzard.
9. Stageleft: Life on the [lower] left side: People of Britain: Congratulations Are In Order.
8. The Florida Masochist: The Knucklehead of the Day award.
7. Blue Star Chronicles: Foreign Service Officers Don’t Want to Serve at Baghdad Embassy.
6. Blue Star Chronicles: The Lyrical Terrorist.
5. Wolf Pangloss: Laughing Baby.
4. Perri Nelson's Website: A culture of life?
3. The Virtuous Republic: Islamic Militants Destroy 7th Century Buddha Carving in Swat, Pakistan.
2. Wolf Pangloss: The Picture of Antioch College: A Tragedy of Manners.
1. 123beta: Bush's Resignation Speech.
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