This person is from Raleigh, North Carolina. The particular page he/she was interested in is: 4-2 Stryker Brigade expands into all of Diyala province. Please check out this article, along with the site. I really did like the site, it was just too hard for me to keep up with 8 sites. out that maybe it would have been easier!
Why? Because each site had its own definition. When you went there, you knew you would find what you had expected. I had Causes of Interest which I share with some fine people. What I used that one for was humanitarian/genocidal dictators/human rights issues.
Then there was the next two: DoD Daily News and DoD Daily News-2. The reason I had two was so that I could say, 'Continue reading' and the other site would have the whole story. I never could figure out how to work that little widget.
Then there was Love America First. I opened this one because I got so tired of all the America haters. I don't believe in sitting around and moping about things I can do nothing about, because I don't believe there are too many things in this world that I cannot help to change! I called on some friends and it grew like first. Then I found myself doing all of the editing, and then I was doing most of the writing. It was still a great site. People still post over there!
The newspaper I tried to get off the ground is Knickerbocker News. I had a few people helping me with this one, too, but let me tell you. It is VERY hard to write an article and keep my big fat mouth out of it. I truly wanted to write as a journalist, and I gave it a go. I did not get discovered, so I got discouraged. All that work for what? (lol)
Of course there is the Loving God Holy. This is where I bare my soul to God. Others may read it, but it is my personal blog. The reason people have to be registered to comment, btw, is because of the spam. I don't like doing that, but it became necessary.
My main blog, though, was My Newz 'n Ideas. I spent a lot of time and thought over there. Sometimes I even felt lonely, because I was not getting any comments. Then the funniest thing happened. I wrote a one line post, and I got lots of comments! WTHey?! Okay, let me get this write. If I don't say anything, you feel more compelled to comment? What, are you sick or something? LOL. I know, sometimes I drift off into other topics. So sue me! (Please don't.)
When I gather all my posts from blogger into one site, I will bring their site-meters with them. Won't that be cool? Well, it's only fair, since I am bringing their posts along with them. Oh, I already said that. Um...what was I going to say?
Oh yes, THANK YOU! Each and everyone.
Today I am having an open post trackback, and you are welcome to trackback or ping an article you wish to share with others. I like to use Linkfest for this, because there are many people with good posts already up over there. It is also a good way to share your articles. Give it a go, eh? The only rule I have is that there shall be no porn. Thanks, and have a great day.
Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites: Stageleft: Life on the left side: Eh … Close Enough, Outside the Beltway: Recession, Depression, or Neither?, third world county: The Greatness of the American Electorate, Maggie's Notebook: Opportunities in America - Michelle Obama, Adam's Blog: Post of the Day for April 1, 2008, Right Truth: PANEL ADDRESSES ACADEMIC TIES WTH NAZIS, The World According To Carl: Hiatus, Blue Star Chronicles: Pat Condell Discusses The Film Fitna, Stuck on Stupid: None Of Your Business!, A NEWT ONE: EAGLES UP ALERT: Soldiers Perspective Has Been, Conservative Cat: Free Speech and Public Education, Right Voices: Planned Parenthood: $114 million of the government funds received by planned parenthood were not needed and only increased the abortion giant's assets, Democrat=Socialist: THE ‘JUST IN CASE HILLARY OR BARACK WIN MACHINE’, Woman Honor Thyself: Um..WhaT DaY is It?, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:
1. 123beta: Tone Down Gmail.
2. Wolf Pangloss: Gangbusters in Basra.
3. Nuke Gingrich: The Daily Snort.
4. Faultline USA: His Teachers Confirmed Obama Was a Registered Muslim.
5. Maggie's Notebook: Hillary Clinton, Chris Matthews and MSM Perpetuate.
6. Beagle Scout: Keep the KC-45 Tanker in Mobile Alabama: Katrina country.
7. Beagle Scout: You look like a guy caught smuggling reptiles in his pants.
8. Beagle Scout: I’ll Watch BBC When Penguins Fly.
9. Right Truth: Real Life Experiences.
10. Wolf Pangloss: CPUSA supports Clinton or Obama, and Card Check.
11. Wolf Pangloss: Pity Party:
12. Leaning Straight Up: Checking Hell’s temperature, as the 9th Circuit Court Upholds Ten Commandments display.
13. Tilting at Windmill Farms: Things Aren’t Always What They Seem.
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