i really appreciate it. i am fine. i just cannot use my right hand. this sucks! lol don't worry. it will take more than a little paralysis to shut me up! ;) thanks
ps. i appreciate all of you. if you do not find your name mentioned, it is only 'cause i am not writing anymore than i have to.
Update: I have some news for you. Some of it is good, some of it is a little bad. The good news first. I am NOT having another stroke! The bad news. I do have wrist-drop in my right hand. This means I am going to have to rest my hand which is hard for me to do since I LOVE blogging! I know what I have to do, though, and I will attempt to do it. Thank you all for your concerns and prayers. You will never know how much they are appreciated. Hugs and kisses! Have a great day.
Posts I've trackposted to at Linkfest and other sites: Wolf Pangloss: It is not enough these days to “Question Authority,” you gotta speak with it too, Wolf Pangloss: Fitna Remade and Others, The Yankee Sailor: Thursday Open Post.
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:
1. Beagle Scout: Home-Schooler Action Alert: Stop DC Restrictive Legislation Against Home Education.
2. A NEWT ONE: War News: The Troop Surge...News Hated By Liars and Anti-Americanists Alike.
3. Big Dogs Weblog: Pelosi the Mediator is Loose with Facts.
4. The Amboy Times: Bible Verse Coin Offends Muslims.
5. Right Voices: On Obama's Circle Of Hate: "Funny how these longtime acquaintances of his keep "surprising" him with incendiary racial rhetoric".
6. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: And we're off to the races with ALMA.
7. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: Supporting the Susan G. Komen National Race for the Cure!
8. Leaning Straight Up: The blogosphere is "Dunkin'" common sense over a scarf.
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