I wish I could separate the two from my mind, because Mike is so much different than that traitor. Be it as it is. That is all I will say about it.
Mike was a very good man. He was a wonderful husband and son, His Mother and Father have a site in his honor named Honor Mike Spann. Please visit it. There is a place for you to comment. I would suggest words of encouragement. If not, do not bother. They have suffered enough. They don't need to suffer creeps who have an axe to grind with George W. Bush. So please be respectful.
Blackfive has written an article about Mike Spann as well, so it would be a good idea if you went over to read that one. I shall end with the words I borrowed from him that are from Mike's wife:
Mike's wife, Shannon, gets the last word, "Mike is a hero not because of the way he died, but because of the way he lived."Hat-tip: Blackfive.
PS. I would like to say thank you for all of those who prayed with me for The Florida Masochist. He is doing well, and he has posted another article today. God bless you all.
I am opening this post for open trackbacks at Linkfest. Please remember to add my link in your post, and please, for Heaven's sake, no porn! Yes, you have all been very good at this. This is for those who are new. ;)
Trackbacked: The Florida Masochist: Cautious Chinese, The Knucklehead of the Day award, Marching Orders and Today's lesson.
Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest: Right Truth, DragonLady's World, The World According to Carl, Pirate's Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, Stuck On Stupid, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Adeline and Hazel, The Pink Flamingo, The Virtuous Republic, Big Dog's Weblog, Faultline USA, Chuck Adkins, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
6. The Florida Masochist: Waiting for a year (or more).
5. The Florida Masochist: Planned escapes.
4. Right Truth: Mahdi Army and Islamic Republic of Iran.
3. Potbelly Stove: Potbelly Stove to Rowan Williams: MYOB.
2. The Amboy Times: Muslims Protest US Aid (Updated).
1. The Florida Masochist: The Knucklehead of the Day award.
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