Publius Forum

Thursday, January 31, 2008

GOP Debate Round-Up

I slept through the debate last night and as I hear, I didn't miss all that much. Could someone please explain to me why Ron Paul-who has not won one primary-is still in the debates? Oh, and a vote for the Huckster is a vote for McCain. IMHO.

Let's get down to the meat of the topic. I was over at Stop the ACLU, and they covered the debate for us. So did several others, and there are links to their sites. Here are some interesting ones:
Stop the ACLU: Focus Group Says Romney and Huckabee Score, Stop the ACLU: McCain Lies About Romney, Ace of Spades HQ: Debate Open Thread Update: Romney Vs. McCain On Who Flinched Less In War's Darkest Hour-- Advantage, Surpisingly Enough, Seems To Be...Romney, Sublog: Hot Air: Hot Air » Blog Archive » McCain considered benchmarks in January 2007, Sublog: The GOP Front-Runner?, Macsmind: Thoughts on the Debate - Romney wins, McCain’s an ass, Captain's Quarters: GOP Debate: Live Blog And Wrap-Up Show (Update: Romney Wins), Bill's Bites: 2008.01.31 Politics and National Defense Roundup..., Blog-o-Fascists: McCain Lying On Tape, Webloggin: Update: Is McCain Anti-Business? Anderson Cooper: Moderator, Debater or Simply a Liberal Hack? and Stop the ACLU: McCain Wouldn't Vote for His Own Immigration Bill.
I find this last one very disturbing, since just the other day he said he would sign the McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill. Oh my, that sure is some straight-talking for ya, eh? And they wonder why we do NOT trust them...

There are also several video versions so that you can decide for yourself. I choose not to waste my time, but that's just me. Maybe I will later, but I'm just upset right now. We cannot a Juan McCain...

PS: I do not wish to give anyone the impression that I support Romney, because I do not. Now you can see my dilemna. I know enough him to make me sick. What a choice. Why is it that the largest state in the union gets stuck with the nuts? Oh well. I guess it's to each their own. Just remember the most important thing. It is not your damn pocket. It is our men and women who are in harms way protecting your selfish butts from having your throat slit. Or have you forgotten already?

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

This is a place where you can trackback your posts all day and night long. Just make sure you include a link back to here from your post when you do so. NO porn. Have a great day. ;)

Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest: Stix Blog, Pirate's Cove: WTW: The Maverick Pulls It Out On Tuesday, The World According to Carl: Saturday Evening Humor, Woman Honor Thyself: Skyscraper near Ground ZerO, 123beta: McCain vs. Clinton?, Point Five: Study: Few Keyboards Actually Destroyed By Coffee, Stageleft: I Agree With Huckabee, third world county: T-13; 2.03: Thirteen Health Benefits of… Coffee.

Here are some others I have trackbacked to: Stop the ACLU: Focus Group Says Romney and Huckabee Score, McCain Lies About Romney, McCain Wouldn't Vote for His Own Immigration Bill, Matt Sanchez: White Men Need Not Apply--Democrats. This one is very funny.

Trackbacks to this post:
1. Stix Blog: The Gang of 14 Revisited. Digg! Digg!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wednesday's Hero: Specialist Marion Pettus III

Here is this week's Wednesday's Hero:
Name: Specialist Marion Pettus III.
Hometown: Cedar Hill, TN
Awarded: Bronze Star
External Links:
DoD story.

Download this hero's story:
Right click and "Save Target As..." to download.
Please read the acts of this young Army Medic and the others who were awarded medals last September 2007. He is an amazing man. He was helping another unit with a casulty while another IED went off. After that, he continued to help his Sergeant and another medic. All this time, he never even knew he had received a whole in his helmet. Yes, his head was in it at the time. Please read the rest of the story. ;)

I thank God that we are so blessed with men such as these. We all should be grateful. It is because of them that we may walk around and argue politics or whatever we choose. Hey, don't forget to shake the hand of a Serviceman/woman today, and let them know how grateful you are. It only takes a moment, but it means more than you will ever know to them. Thank you.

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites: Pet's Garden Blog: Wednesday Heros: Sgt. Justin R. Whiting, The Virtuous Republic: Undocumented Immigrants, Real Crimes Afternoon Edition, The Random Yak: Seeing Stars, third world county: "I mock you with my monkey pants", Leaning Straight Up: Bush Derangement in Brattleboro cause blowback as city officials face harassment and scorn, Wolf Pangloss: The Oil Parable Open Trackbacks, The Newt One: The Well Is Dry, and Right Voices: Hardy Har Har: Planned Parenthood Complains That $25/Mo Is Too High For The Pill..Obama Agrees, thanks to: Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Trackbacks to this post:
1. Woman Honor Thyself: Skyscraper near Ground ZerO.
2. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: Leadership: "The Lost Bomb" Revisited.
3. Right Truth: Truly, America is my favorite slave.
4. Stageleft:. Life on the [lower] left side: I Agree With Huckabee.
5. third world county: T-13; 2.03: Thirteen Health Benefits of Coffee.
6. Conservative Cat: The New McCain Isn't Even Electable.
7. Stix Blog: Just to let you know.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

News: ITM writes, Gregg on Romney and Stop the ACLU

Today we are going to start the news with two posts from Iraq the Model (I recently found out there were two posts), Gregg Jackson's articles about things we should know about Romney and some news from Stop the ACLU.

Omar is studying for his American degree (he is already well educated in Iraq), and he finally had a moment to write to us to let us know that both Mohammed and he are well. Oh my! I just went to get the permalink, and there is another post! (For those who are new to the term, ITM=Iraq the Model.)

Here is an excerpt from the second post:
One more important finding makes my suspicion stronger. Could it be a coincidence that the percentage that Libyan nationals make up of total foreign terrorists has spiked during 2007? According to recently captured documents that US military captured in Sinjar, a town west of Mosul, one fifth of foreign fighters who came to Iraq between in the year leading to August 2007 were Libyan nationals. Or could it be another coincidence that Libya covertly sponsored a satellite TV channel in Iraq that was going to launch in late 2006, the same time the Libyan "surge" started? This is a new and surprising figure that suggests that there's an organized effort to recruit and send fighters from Libya to Iraq; an effort not easy to undertake in a repressive police state unless someone above the law is involved. [Continue reading.]
Gregg sends me e-mails often, and I lost one of those letters which I needed to make an arguement. So I asked him for a copy, and this is what he sent me: Family leaders call Romney 'disaster', and A Stern Warning to the "Conservative Elites" about Mitt Romney. These are powerful writings, and I would take heed to the advice.

Aha, but there is more. This one is from a different source. Massachusetts Healthcare Plan Costs Skyrocket, by Monisha Bansal. Ask yourself, "Do I want to become a slave?" That is just what happens when we give away our freedoms. The Trouble With Mitt Romney's Pro-Life Conversion, by Deal W. Hudson. It is amazing how someone can support BOTH the adoption of frozen embryonic eggs AND the destruction of them for research. This one is surprising, "American Right To Life Rebukes Ann Coulter. Wow. They must be very strict, but who can blame them? The Truth must be made known to those who are too blind to see. Finally, Why I Don't Trust Mitt Romney.

This last link answers many of the questions people may have about Mitt Romney. Full disclosure: that is, if you don't trust him like I don't.

This next article is about an amazing young man who started sending care packages to our Troops since the beginning of this war. His heart must be filled with gold, because his offerings to the Troops has blossumed! Please read the following:
Troops in the Spotlight - May 25th and 26th 2008
Mart Plaza Hyannis, MA

It is hard to believe that Troops in the Spotlight is just 4 months away!!! Plans are now under way but we can use your help. We are hoping that you can help get the word out - we are looking for businesses, schools, churches, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, community organization, and families to plan to do donation drives and/or fundraisers during the months of April and May; and then present their donations during Troops in the Spotlight. If you can help with this please let us know.

We are also looking for Airman, Army, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard personnel who would be willing to participate during Troops in the Spotlight. Last year we raised almost $20,000. in cash donations and over 80,000. worth of supplies were donated. This year the goal is to double those amounts!!!

We will have flyers, posters available within the next week or so and would be happy to send you some. We are also updating our drop off sites, and of course we are always looking for new drop off locations.

We are looking for representatives for each town that would help to get their towns involved. We will also be offering a raffle during this years event and are in need of raffle items.

We would love to hear any suggestions that you may have. We want to make this year's event a huge sucess!!! So far, we have sent out over 2500 care packages to our troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and continue to support several orphanages, schools and medical clinics in both countries. I made several visits to Bethesda Naval Hospital, and Brooks Army Medical Center. This year I hope to become more involved with our injured troops here at home, supporting not only our injured troops but also their families. Of course, I would like to send out another 1000 care packages by the end of the year!!! The goal for next year's Christmas Care Packages is 200!!! This year we sent out 120.

Please mark your calendars now and plan to join us during Troops in the Spotlight. We really need a show of support during the event.

More information will be available next week on the web site

Thank you again for all your support, Cape Cod Cares for the Troops has been so sucessful because of the support I have received from everyone.


Dylan DeSilva
Cape Cod Cares for the Troops.

PS Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who may be interested in helping to support our troops
Now for some news from Stop the ACLU. This first article is about who would be the best candidate on judges and standing up to the ACLU? Please feel free to pass these articles on to your friends.
Which Candidate Can We Trust on Appointing Constitutionalist Judges?

...For most people that think fighting the ACLU and judicial tyranny are high priorities, an important question is: who can we trust to appoint constitutionalist judges that don't write laws from the bench?

Lets not forget that McCain led the gang of 14. Mark Levin reminds everyone:
McCain also led the Gang of 14, which prevented the Republican leadership in the Senate from mounting a rule change that would have ended the systematic use (actual and threatened) of the filibuster to prevent majority approval of judicial nominees.
This next one needs no explaination: "Gitmo Terrorist Lawyers Endorse Obama." Imagine that.

Well, it's already tomorrow, so I'm going to stop right here. See the next post for ACT! for America, American Congress for Truth, and many more. I'm almost caught up. Gosh, ya take one day to go to the doctor, and the e-mail overfloweth! lol. Have a great day everyone.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Today (since it is morning already) is going to be an open trackback day so I can continue catching up with everything. Have fun!

These are the posts I've linked to because, well, they're just that good! lol Oh, I will be using Linkfest to find these posts. Pet's Garden Blog: Wednesday Hero~SSgt. Justin R. Whiting, The Virtuous Republic: Undocumented Immigrants, Real Crimes Afternoon Edition, Wolf Pangloss: The Oil Parable Open Trackbacks, Right Voices: Hardy Har Har: Planned Parenthood Complains That $25/Mo Is Too High For The Pill..Obama Agrees, Leaning Straight Up: Bush Derangement in Brattleboro cause blowback as city officials face harassment and scorn.

These are some posts that I found otherwise: AMERICA ALONE, by Mark Steyn Public Enemy #1, More on the Styen thing, and Canadian Government Says Goodbye To Free Speech, Forces Private Citizen To Obey Sharia.

We really need to be careful about how these politicians mess with our free speech. I agree with Darrell. I should kiss the ground I walk on each day as I arise from the slumber Thou hast provided. Now. These are from Iraq the Model: Iraq the Model: Hello my friends and Al-Qaeda's in Iraq New Sponsor: Libya. Digg! Digg!

Monday, January 28, 2008

It's been a long day

Today I went back to the hospital to get medication for my epilepsy, and I met a met a man who met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. WOW. He was nine when he met him, and this man-himself-was pretty remarkable. He was very kind. He was my bus driver, and I must say-a very good one at that! A lady pulled out right in front of us, and he had no problem missing her. (We were turning. Many other bus drivers would have plowed her down. Oh, wait a minute, we're not in New York anymore, are we?)

I get to the hospital (there are many clinics in Harbor/UCLA student hospital), and I have to go through screening. What a freakin' trip. Now you have to picture this. I'm using a walker, I'm wearing a heavy sweater that buttons because it is raining (HAHAHA, it was trickling), I have one wrist that still doesn't work right (it's very painful to pick up a soda, let alone a walker!), gotta empty those pockets (I learned from before to put everything in my other pocket, the hand that I could use), get through that, gotta go get blood tests, going through the x-ray machine they took off the two bags my brother tied onto my walker so I don't have to carry anything), and there I am. Bagless, wristless, and useless!

I wanted to poke them in the eye when they said, "Well, you would have gone around, we wouldn't have to do this." WHAT? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO??? Argghhh! So I'm standing there. Looking like an idiot. Yup. I cannot tie the bags back on, and no one was going to help me. No one did. I managed to get home, ate, and fell asleep. Missed the State of the Union (so what, right?!), and here I am. Oh, my bandaged/cast came apart, so I had to fix that. Thank God I was at home when it happened. I think I may have lost it otherwise. LOL.

No, I wouldn't have lost it, but sometimes it's fun to think of what that would look/feel like. Anyone have any ideas or pictures of what it would look like if I flipped out? I'd love to read/see them! Have a morning (Hey, I just woke up!).

Sunday, January 27, 2008

State slams diplomat for speaking 'truth to power'

Today you will be reading about someone you may never have heard of before, but that does not make him any less significant. This man ambassador to North Korea. Why do I emphasize 'was'? Condi made sure she tore him a new one, instead of admitting that she was WRONG about Kim Jong Il (as I could have told her before she even tried to buy off the North Koreans. When will these idiots learn that you can't pay off a commie terrorist?).

I would like to start from the beginning, but I'm afraid my knowledge is not that extensive. I will start from when I became aware and started paying attention. This was in the 1990's. I do know that we fought a war between the north and south over there, that we did not declare victory or defeat but instead we called a ceasefire (which means, in essense, we are still at war with them), that there is a demilitarized zone which is heavily armed by both sides, it is constantly compromised by the north, the northerners are constantly trying to escape even though the punishment is death or the gulag, and the south does not want to allow them into their country even though some of them are direct relatives.

There, are we caught up? Good. Now for the problems. Mr. Jay Lefkowitz. He was working for the State Dept. for many years, but he was made to resign. Why? Well, how dare he undermine Condi! He was speaking at the American Enterprise Institute a couple of weeks ago when he stated, 'Noting that it has been more than two years since Pyongyang pledged to abandon its nuclear weapons program, and more than two weeks since it violated the latest deadline to disclose the full extent of that program, Mr. Lefkowitz observed that "it is increasingly clear that North Korea will remain in its present nuclear status when the Administration leaves office in one year."'

Wow. Pretty rough stuff, eh? Too bad the state dept doesn't have to search for bark of a tree to eat for food on a daily basis so they don't starve! This was the purpose of that statement: "Jay Lefkowitz, President Bush's special envoy for human rights in North Korea, has recently pointed out that our current approach to Pyongyang is failing. Lord help a diplomat who tells the truth."

Does anyone, besides me, remember why Bush hated Kim Jong Il so much? Yes, it was on the basis of humanitarian reasons. Of course there is the issue of nuclear weapons that have a role in this, but I would have thought he would take a hard stand on the humanitarian side. Over two million people have already starved to death, numerous have been murdered by the state, and no one says a damn thing. Thanks a heap, Bush. What happened to you? Who took your cajones?

To read the article over at the Wall Street Journal Opinion section, click here. Now if you will pardon me, I feel the need to beat up a pillow...

Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites:
Mark My Words: OTA Open Trackback 01/28/08, Leaning Straight Up: The Obama/Israel Factor: Is There a Problem Waiting to Happen?, and A Newt One: The Similarities Are Frightening, Thanks much to: Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Digg! Digg!
Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
1. Tel-Chai Nation: Barack Obama supports palestinian state cutting Israel in half.

'Winter Soldiers' repeat, STOP THEM NOW

There is a group named "Iraq Veterans Against the War" which is planning another lie-filled 'investigation' titled "Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan", this March 13-16, 2008, (at the Capitol) to provide 'information of the atrocities' our fine men and women are committing in Iraq and Afghanistan.

They claim to have 4736 'people' who support them. I find it ironic that they don't use the word Soldier, don't you?

It is not too late for us to infilitrate them. Remember, you must hold your tongues. You are just there to record everything. There is to be no violence. What you can do before you go is e-mail all of your friends and family members to ask them to stand with us against these liars.

You can get in by using this link. Make up a statement that they will want to hear. They may even ask you to speak at this display of disgusting dishonor. That will your opportunity to reveal the tapings you have made of THEM! The lies, the hatred for troops, and possibly who is sponsoring this meeting. Put it out there if you can get it.

We do not have much time. Please organize as if this was enemy terrotory and you were going in to save your buddies. In essense, you will be. Godspeed.

Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites:
Stix Blog: USMC Silent Drill Platoon, Pirate's Cove: Global Warming Today: Less Hurricanes To Hit U.S.?, The World According to Carl: Saturday Evening Humor, Woman Honor Thyself: Super BowL: Gooooooo Giants!, Leaning Straight Up: Friday Video Break: Smoke on the water… as you have never seen it before, Outside the Beltway: South Carolina Post Mortem Democrat Edition, A Newt One: Valentines' For the Troops Blogburst, Right Voices: Caroline Kennedy Re-Uses Her 2000 Endorsement of Gore for 2008 Endorsement of Obama, Many thanks to: Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Digg! Digg!

Trackbacks to this post:
1. Woman Honor Thyself: Anyone who Disagrees with Leftists is a RacisT.
2. Stix Blog: USMC Silent Drill Platoon.
3. Blue Star Chronicles: Ted Kennedy Endorces Barack Osama for the Presiden.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Obama made cream soup out of Clinton in SC

Barack wiped the state of South Carolina with Hillary Clinton. He beat her with over 20 percentage points. He also beat her in almost every category. I LOVE IT! He may be wrong on many of the issues, but what an amazing Democrat. If we have to lose to a Democrat, I'd rather it be him.

Let's face it. We have crap running for president. No, I will not vote for McCain just because the establishment believes he's next in line. Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous? We are not the Senate! LOL.

I will not vote for Mitt's 'hillarycare', illegal alien policies, abortion forced into the 'hillarycare' on his way out of the door, and homosexual propensities. (Not him, his politics, so calm down.)

I would vote for Rudy. Why? Because I can trust what he says. I know he gets down in the streets and fights mean. I'M FROM NEW YORK. We all do. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, NK and China will all be afraid to have him as our president. That should tell you something right there.

He isn't pro-life? No kidding. However he didn't try to re-invent himself by lying to us about it, and he also promised to appoint constitutionally literate judges. That is the most we can do about the abortion issue right now, AND YOU KNOW IT. Sorry for that outburst, but I get tired of having to remind people that should these things.

PS. No, I have not lost my mind or my way. I'm just tired of RINO's running the government we have fought too hard and too long for to watch another RINO give conservatives a bad name. We deserve better than that. I believe if we do lose, Sen. Obama will not try do to us what the Clinton's did. You know, make us out to be evil, or have you forgotten? If we have to be ruled by Democrats, I'd much rather see it done by a true, good Democrat. Not some idiot RINO. They will not get the message if we keep giving them money, voting for them and they keep giving us crap...

Now for the Open Trackback. I suppose I am not doing it right. I am suppose to allow you to choose whether or not you would like share your material here. I'm also not suppose to use the 'ping chooser' at the same time I have an open trackback. I do not understand why, but if those are the rules of etiquite, then so it. Have at it, and have a nice weekend.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Posts I have trackbacked to on my own: Woman Honor Thyself: Super BowL: Gooooooo Giants!, Big Dog's Weblog: What Will Bill Clinton Do Now?

Trackbacks to this post:
1. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: New director for National Hurricane Center.
2. Cao's Blog: Barack Obama, Kenya, his cousin Odinga and Islamic jihad.
3. Blue Star Chronicles: Why the Story of Dellon Tyler Ward Matters.
4. Adam's Blog: John McCain: Putting Mexico First? Digg! Digg!

Friday, January 25, 2008

News: AQ, tech, illegals, military/blogs, & Muslims

Have you ever given any thought to a 'three-dimensional' website? Look at it this way, we no longer live in a world where the net is a 'flat earth' development. To give you a peek inside this fact, Douglas Farah has written a very informative and chilling article.

At the Counterterrorism Blog, you will find just about any type of news that we are NOT hearing about on the news. Especially the type of news which we should all be looking for to keep our country safe. I suppose that could be because of the elections, but you would think our survival would be an election year topic. Oh well.

Jihadists Move to Encryption on Internet Sights.

...Today’s Washington Post carries an extensive look at the radicalization of two Islamists from the state of Georgia who were filming potential targets in Washington, D.C.

Much of the process took place on line, as did the radicalization of an Egyptian businessman who sponsored the trip of combatants to Iraq based on the Internet statements and broadcasts by Yousef al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. [Continue reading.]
So, they think catching illegal aliens is too hard of a task? Check out this story from Jayson Javitz over at Wizbang!

...'They think they're pretty much home free once they get up here,' said Bill Botts, of the Border Patrol's Gulport, Mississippi, station. But Operation Uniforce, as the two-week crackdown started Jan. 13 is called, 'is pretty much a shocker for the [alien] smuggling organizations.'

More than 300 illegal immigrants and alien smugglers had been arrested as of Tuesday, just over a week into the operation. [Continue reading.]
Now I will share with you some articles and their links and who they are written by in groupings. That is because there are too many of them! lol

First I would like to start with Michael Yon. This first post of his is Moment of Truth in Iraq, a book that Michael has written, and it is very good. I've read the first chapter of Danger Close (it is online), and you might like to read it also. He is one of the citizen journalists who tells it as it is, not the way we would like to hear it. I like that. It shows me respect, because he trusts that I can make up my own mind.

CORRECTION: It has been brought to my attention that Michael's book is Titled "Danger Close." Jon is correct. You may purchase it only at Michael's site here. Thank you Jon for catching that for me. *blush*

His next post is News Flash: Dragon Skin. This one is about body armor. Next is "Commanders Update #9, Commander’s Update #9 JAN 08, By LTC. James Crider. Then there is "General Lee Comes Home, Part 2, Stryker Dubbed ‘General Lee’ Rejuvenated, By Ann Roosevelt, for Defense Daily. After that one is this one where he was profiled by the NY Times, "News Flash: Frontline Blogger With a Soldier’s Eyes. They actually did a good job. Then finally, there is a collection of Michael's writings: Archives: Table of Contents.

This one is not technically a blogger (Former Ambassador to the USA, John Bolton), but he has written a very chilling warning to President Bush, Condi, and the new president of the USA in the Wall Street Journal's opinion and commentary section. The title of this article is "North Korea's True Colors." Read it! Another article which they printed is "The Legacy, Bush of Arabia. This U.S. president is the most consequential the Middle East has ever seen. by FOUAD AJAMI." It is a refreshing look at both President Bush (whom I have lost much hope of having anything positive get done) and the Iraqi people. It is a good read.

For the following articles from CentCom, I will put them in list form. There are many good articles!
Here are six links to YouTube videos from Blackfive: This video is 1:16 minutes long. The title is "Sgt. Giles." This one is "Arab Jabour: An Introduction," and it is 2:45 minutes. This next one is titled "Arab Jabour: Terrain Denial." The next three are "Surge Plus One: Doura," "Robin Williams in Kuwait" and "Crazy I-Ranians threaten US warships with Jihad." Now I have links you may be interested in reading.
ANA deliver infant saving mother, child (Combined Joint Task Force-101), by Public Affairs COMBINED JOINT TASK FORCE-82, ANA Commandos graduate from Armorer Training Program (CJTF-101).
ANA provides assistance to Kunar villagers (CJTF-101) and by Luis P. Valdespino Jr. (CJTF-101).
Medical engagement a success in Abu Farris, by U.S. Army Christopher McKenna, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (
Soldiers distribute wheelchairs, by U.S. Army Grant Okubo, MND-N PAO.
Tip leads MND-North Soldiers to bomb factory, MND-N PAO.
Kirkuk academy graduates 1,325 police, by U.S. Army Margaret Nelson, 115th MPAD. (
Iraqi Soldiers graduate leaders' course, by SPC Emily Wilsoncroft, MND-C PAO.
Paratroopers battle elements, keep valley safe, by Sgt. Brandon Aird, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs.
Afghan, Coalition troops hold clinic in Farah, CJTF-82 PAO.
Army exchanges medical skill with Djiboutians, by MC1 Mary Popejoy, United States Africa Command.
Afghan students prepare for future through education, by Spc. Gregory Argentieri, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs.
Ghazni PRT brings care, clothes to Nawa District, by Spc Nathan Hutchinson, 22nd MPAD.
Next I have for you some articles from ACT! for America which is a great site to go to find patriotic people keeping an eye on legislation, jihadism and other news that we can appreciate. They now have chapters that are posted on their website. You can also receive e-mails from them, if you wish.

This next news article is an interview between National Review Online and M. Zuhdi Jasser. This is the third part of the article. The title of this portion of the interview is "We Need a Hero, Looking toward 2008 and beyond." Mr. Jasser has also had a press release, "FBI Director's Community Leadership Award given to Zuhdi Jasser." One more article here. It is written by Electa Draper at the Denver Post. The name of the article is "Moderate Muslim view outshouted by Islamists." Oh, those so understanding and tolerant libs. You may read about him and keep up with him at AIFD. This acronym stands for American Islamic Forum for Democracy.

American Congress for Truth is a very fine site. It is run by conversatives who just happen to be black. This is an amazing site, and you really should add it to your sidebar. For example, they are on top of this internet problem which I started this post off with.
Terrorism Probe Points to Reach Of Web Networks.

In April 2005, police swarmed the U.S. Capitol to confront an erratic Australian man, carrying two suitcases, who they feared was a suicide bomber. After blowing up one of the bags, officers realized he was harmless.

The police never noticed the two nervous young men on a nearby sidewalk filming the Capitol during the standoff. But they might have been the real threat, according to newly released documents.

The men, ultraconservative Muslims from Georgia, were making surveillance videos that could help extremists plan "some kind of terrorist attack," as one man later acknowledged, according to court documents disclosed last week. One of their videos was sent to a notorious al-Qaeda publicist in London, authorities said. [Continue reading.]
Does that give anyone pause? It does me.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Okay, that should be enough information to hold you through the weekend. Don't worry. If it doesn't, I will still be posting at my site. I am having an Open Tracktrack Alliance and an Open Trackback at Linkfest. Share with others your work. Before you trackback, please add me to your post. After you this, I will add your name and title to the main page. This way, everyone will be able to see your work and may come over to view it. Have a good weekend everyone!

Update: I just have to add this one last(?) post. It is very funny and is also a member of Open Trackback Alliance. Since I do not like to post a trackback on someone's post who has not listed that post for today's OTA, I have written this little piece about it. Oh, what is it? Study: Few Keyboards Actually Destroyed By Coffee. Enjoy!

Members of the Samantha Burns' OTA: S. The Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns: OTA Weekend, F. Stix Blog: 8 Things youneed to know about Obama and Rezko, F. Pirate's Cove (M, F): TB Friday Featuring The Surrender Monkey: Kucinich Supporters Should Vote Ron Paul, F. The World According to Carl: Open Trackback Friday — January 25, 2008, F. Woman Honor Thyself: Sderot and the UN Party Balloons, S. Church and State, Su. The Amboy Times, Su. Stageleft, Su. walls of the city, Wknd. Blue Star Chronicles: Wear Red on Friday Reading List, Wknd. Leaning Straight Up: Friday Video Break: Smoke on the water… as you have never seen it before, Wknd. The Uncooperative Blogger, Wknd. Stuck On Stupid, Wknd. The Bullwinkle Blog, Wknd. 123beta (F, Wknd): Open Trackback Weekend, S. Point Five: Study: Few Keyboards Actually Destroyed By Coffee, S. 7 Deadly Sins, S. Steeljaw Scribe, S. Selective Amnesia, S. Case Notes from the Artsy Asylum, S. LyfLines, Su. InMuscatine, Su. Onemanbandwidth, Su. The Blazer Blog, Su. Miceland, Su. Where are my socks?, Su. Peakah's Provocations, Su. Otimaster, Su. Grandinite, Su. Free Constitution, Su. Conservative Culture (Su, T), Su. - a metamorphoself, Su. The Dissentators (Su, M).

Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites: Adam's Blog: John McCain: Putting Mexico First?, Blue Star Chronicles: Why the Story of Dellon Tyler Ward Matters, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: New director for National Hurricane Center, third world county: "Mugger" Pledges: Will Give Money Back, Nuke Gingrich: WFFOT Aaaaaaaaay, Dumb Ox Daily News: Ron Paul's Good and Bad News Letter, Outside the Beltway: John Edwards' South Carolina Surge, Big Dog's Weblog: Will MSM Give Hillary the Same Treatment As Bush?, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Hurricane Proof House, Wolf Pangloss: Friday: I Feel Your Pain Open Posts, Leaning Straight Up: Making the Case For McCain; Just In Case, Shadowscope: Grand Jury Indicts Cesar Laurean, With many thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
12. Blue Star Chronicles: British Diva Katherine Jenkins Entertains British Troops The Past Two Christmases.
11. Woman Honor Thyself: Super BowL: Gooooooo Giants! (A woman after my own heart!)
10. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Global Warming causes FEWER hurricanes.
9. A Blog For All: Fences Make Good Neighbors: Hamas Doesn't Want Them.
8. Blue Star Chronicles: Retired Green Beret Gets Court Martial After Shooting Intruder.
7. Blue Star Chronicles: Phelps Family Hate Cult to Picket Heath Ledger's Funeral.
6. Blue Star Chronicles: Tom Cruise on Scientology and Ah …. ah …. Wow …. You Know...Man...Wheh!
5. The World According To Carl: Hillary LOVES A Man In Uniform?
4. Mark My Words: Irrational atheists and their groupies.
3. Stix Blog: 8 Things youneed to know about Obama and Rezko.
2. Pirate's Cove: Global Warming Today: Less Hurricanes To Hit U.S.?
1. Planck's Constant: Bernie`s Bic Vacation. Digg! Digg!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wednesday's Hero: Staff Sgt. Jason Kimberling

Today is Wednesday. This is a day we set aside to honor those who are risking their lives so that we may remain free. We should not take that lightly. We must also do our part here at home.

Today I would like to introduce to you Staff Sergeant Jason Kimberling. He is from Rathdrum, ID, he is with the USAF's 366th Mission Support Group and on that day, he earned the Bronze Star with a 'V' (I believe that stands for Valor.) Here is a taste of his character:

Air Force Staff Sgt. Jason A. Kimberling.

On a sweltering 115-degree day in August 2006, Staff Sgt. Jason A. Kimberling was part of a 3-person security force assigned to a convoy of 15 Afghan National Police (ANP) officers and 20 members of the Afghan National Army (ANA).

Bronze Star with “V” recipient

A highway checkpoint in Qalat Province had come under attack, and the convoy was sent to assist. As Kimberling’s convoy searched for the enemy, they were attacked by more than 100 well-trained, well-equipped Taliban fighters. The coordinated ambush began with a rocket propelled grenade (RPG) that landed only about 5 yards away. After several RPG rounds had been fired from a base about 325 yards away, a barrage of machine gun fire began to spray the group from only about 55 yards away and came from a different direction.

The driver of the security forces Humvee, a fellow airman, created cover with the vehicle, allowing Kimberling to jump out and return fire. Their position was hit by an RPG that knocked down Kimberling and his driver. As Kimberling was recovering from the blast, he saw two enemy gunmen heading toward them from a house just 35 yards away – from a third direction. Kimberling exposed himself to gunfire to kill the two gunmen. His actions allowed the ANP and ANA members to regroup, killing additional enemy fighters.

Soon another round of shooting began from enemy fighters, and Kimberling did not hesitate to move from his protected position in order to return fire, giving an ANA soldier the opportunity to successfully throw a hand grenade into the enemy’s position.

The convoy was then able to move away from the ambush site and onto higher ground, though still under enemy fire. Kimberling exposed himself a third time to enemy fire so that he could use a satellite phone to communicate with the tactical operations center to coordinate air support that eventually ended the battle and allowed the convoy to return to base.

"And if all of that wasn't enough, during the attack, Sergeant Kimberling had the situational awareness to call in close-air support from nearby Dutch NATO aircraft that were patrolling the area," said Col. Thomas Laffey, 366th Mission Support Group commander. "He achieved this while under very heavy fire for more than two hours."

An estimated 20 enemy combatants were killed in the firefight, without a single causality among the security forces, ANA or ANP. Kimberling was awarded a Bronze Star with Valor and the Army Commendation Medal for his actions.

Air Force Story.
KIVI-TV Story.
These men and women are amazing. I just have to say, "Thank you for all you do. Stay 'safe' and much success." If you would like to find out how to honor our troops, just go to DefenseLink.

Now this a post I am proud to offer as an Open Trackback. Not because I wrote it, because I did not. It is because of who it is about and so many others like him. To participate in this Open Trackback, you just add this permalink to your site, then you can trackback with whichever post you would care to share others. Please go to Linkfest and join. You don't have to, but it really would be a big help to you as far as sharing your posts and meeting other people. The only rule is no porn. Thank you, and have a nice day everyone.

Posts I've trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites:
Wolf Pangloss: The Billary Clintons play the race card.
Woman Honor Thyself: Sderot and the UN Party Balloons.
Diary of the Mad Pigeon: Thurday Open Roost.
Outside the Beltway: Everybody Hates Mitt.
Pirate's Cove: TLF: Barking Moonbats Plan Anti-Bush Campaign During W’s Last 365.
Dumb Ox Daily News: Truth About McCain's Lies.
Right Truth: Civil War for Americans.
Conservative Cat: Notes from Ferdy - Bill Clinton Admits to the Existence of Shame.
The World According To Carl: Godly Wisdom — January 24, 2008.
Thanks so much to: Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Digg! Digg!

Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Hurricane proof house.
4. Big Dog's Weblog: Will MSM Give Hillary Same Treatment as Bush?
3. Adam's Blog: The Queen of Earmarks.
2. The Virtuous Republic: Arizona’s Employer Sanction Sending Illegals Back Home.
1. 123beta: Rachel Lucas For President!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What a wake-up pain in the neck, lol

First, let me apologize for taking so long to post your trackbacks. Ya see, they were not showing up on my site, so I didn't know they were there. I do not know what is happening with haloscan, but I seem to have temporarily fixed the problem. It seems that somehow the trackbacks were put into moderation, which I did not have as my setting. I did not know what to do, so I e-mailed them. Of course, but I have not heard back. (I haven't exactly checked, though, so I may be incorrect on that. lol)

Anyway, since I never used the moderation, I didn't know how to 'okay' the trackbacks. So I proceeded as usual. I fidgetted. I tried a little of this and a little of that, and I finally hit the correct way. If this EVER happens to you, all you have to do is:

1. Go to 'Manage Trackbacks'.
2. If you notice there are trackbacks there that have not shown up on your trackback page, continue.
3. On the left side is the name of your post, in the middle is the trackback, these are the two I am discussing.
4. Click on YOUR post's link.
5. This will take you to YOUR trackback page.
6. I tested it to make sure, and my trackbacks were gone.
7. I tested the same link I tested, and it reappeared. So don't freak out if it disappears. ;)

That is our lesson for today about how to go around haloscan when the *itch doesn't want to act right. Now I have to go so I can check my e-mail. lol. Have a great day everyone!

PS. I've just noticed that sometimes it shows and sometimes not. I found a way to fix that, too. Just hit 'refresh', and you should be good to go. If you try to leave a trackback and are still unsure whether or not I received it, please e-mail me. (It isn't working for comments, either.)

Update: Haloscan has informed me about a 'hard refresh'. To do this, simply use the Shift+Refresh at the same time. That's pretty cool. I didn't know that little trick. Thank you, Haloscan.

(Original post time is 4:12 am, but I want to move this up above the other articles. This way I can see if any trackbacks are being held back.)

These are posts I have trackbacked at Linkfest:
Blog @ Blog @
A Newt One: Why we don't post many liberal comments.
Right Truth: Suddenly the government thinks the Mexican border is a mess.
Big Dog's Weblog: Obama Need To Go On the Offensive.
Conservative Cat: Conservative Cat.
Pursuing Holiness: Well, what's your plan, then?
With many thanks to: Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
1389 Blog - Antijihadist Tech: Foehammer: Anvil Outage Caused by Islamist DDOS Attacks.
1389 Blog - Antijihadist Tech: Ezra Levant Takes Down Canadian “Human Rights” Commission.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Digg! Digg!
Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
6. The World According To Carl: Godly Wisdom — January 24, 2008.
5. Right Truth: Civil War for Americans.
4. Blue Star Chronicles: Scarlet Johanson Visits Kuwait - Video.
3. Blue Star Chronicles: Scarlett Johansson Brings USO and Cheer to America.
2. Planck's Constant: Hitler Cats.
1. Woman Honor Thyself: SuccesS Causes Drinking?

Church donates school supplies to Djibouti school

Source: CJTF-HOA and CentCom.

by MC1 Mary Popejoy

DJIBOUTI, Horn of Africa (Jan. 09, 2008) — Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa personnel took time out of their busy schedules to donate school supplies and clothing to Horsed Private School of English, Jan. 7. The 35 boxes of supplies were sent by Living Waters Foursquare Church in Mooresville, N.C., to Army Staff Sgt. Rex Hipp, 1132nd Engineering Detachment well drilling team. Hipp is a member of the church's congregation who is currently wrapping up a one-year deployment in Djibouti.

The boxes were filled with backpacks, books, pencils, paper, shoes and clothes. “The 75 church members raised $1,500 so they could buy school supplies and clothing that would benefit the children of Djibouti,” Hipp said. Having his church make such a thoughtful gesture allows the 1132nd well drillers to make one last impact before they return to Mooresville this month.

“For the past year, when we’ve drilled and repaired wells we’ve given out flip flops and school supplies to villages near some of our well sites as another way to help the Djibouti people,” Hipp said. “Now that we’re wrapping up our deployment, it was nice to coordinate with the CJTF-HOA Chaplain's office and the school director to donate items that will improve the students’ quality of life in a big way,” Hipp said.

Marine Sgt. Derico Cooper, CJ-6 Tactical Networking, was on hand to deliver the supplies and see firsthand just how grateful the school staff was for the gifts. “Their standard of living and educational facilities are far different than what we have in the states, so anything we can do to help them out is greatly appreciated,” Cooper said.

Hassan Mahamed, a teacher at Horsed Private School of English, said he appreciates donations from American friends. “We appreciate everything the U.S. military does for us, because a lot of the families cannot afford to buy these items, which prevents students from having the proper items for school,” Mahamed said. “It’s nice to know that their friends stateside wanted to do something nice for our students here.”

Wayne George, chief religious programs specialist, CJTF-HOA Religious Ministries Department, said donations like these represent the true spirit of America and what it truly means to do something nice for people they’ll never meet. “I have observed thousands of charitable items donated by caring Americans who expect nothing in return,” George said. “They have done it in silence without expectations of recognition because it’s not about the cost, but the smiles it will bring to the faces of the children half a world away.”

Army Staff Sgt. Lisa Dumire, 1133rd Engineering Detachment well drilling team operations non-commissioned officer-in-charge, receives a box from Hassan Mahamed, Horsed Private School of English teacher, while unloading boxes of school supplies that were donated by Living Waters Foursquare Church in Mooresville, N.C. The congregation of Living Waters sent the boxes to Army Staff Sgt. Rex Hipp, 1132nd Engineering Detachment well drilling team, who is a member of their congregation.

Digg! Digg!

CJTF-HOA, Djiboutian officials discuss environment

Source: CJTF-HOA (and CentCom).

by U.S. Navy David-Michael Ross

DJIBOUTI, Horn of Africa (Jan. 11, 2008) — The surgeon cell from Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa met with the Djibouti Ministry of Habitat, Urbanism and Environment, Jan. 8 to tour the base and surrounding area to see first-hand environmental concerns and address sanitation issues. According to CTJF-HOA’s outgoing force protection officer, Lt. Cmdr. Karen Corson, there are concerns about the waste management measures in place outside of the perimeter of Camp Lemonier, however long-term goals and a commitment to an action plan will eradicate any potential future environmental issues.

“This is an educational exchange of information about the environment, where we get to show them what we in the military do here on base in order to protect the Djiboutian environment while we’re here,” Corson said. “We have an opportunity to take a look at their resources and together examine ways for them to fully utilize them when it comes to their landfills and waste management.”

Ministry representative, Dr. Ammar Abdo Ahmed said that as a result of CJTF-HOA personnel playing an integral role in local humanitarian efforts, he believes this collaborative meeting will also yield many positive results when it comes to working on solutions in the area of sanitation. “This is good that we are working as a team on a medical level, by looking at all of the factors and creating a long term action plan to take care of this problem,” Ahmed said.

CTJF-HOA incoming force protection officer, Navy Lt. Nick Martin, said traditional U.S. waste management solutions do not always translate to all regions in the world. “In the states we have many resources to set up a landfill, for example, you would have incinerators and heavy machinery to roll over the trash and you just don’t have those sorts of things available here,” Martin said. He stressed the importance of continued training and finding improved methods for handling waste.

Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa works to prevent conflict, promote regional stability and protect coalition interests in east Africa and Yemen through humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, consequence management, and civic action programs. This includes medical and veterinary care, school and medical clinic construction and water development projects.

Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa, Force Protection officers Lt. Nick Martin, left, Lt. Cmdr. Karen Corson and Ministry of Habitat, Urbanism and Environment, Secretary General, Aboubaker Douale Waiss visit the La Douda Waste Facility Jan. 8. Digg! Digg!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fed cuts rates 3/4's of a point

Here is some breaking news about the Fed cutting rates by 3/4's of point, and urging Congress and President to cut taxes quickly to avoid a recession. It is short, so I have the entire article for you.
Fed Cuts Interest Rate as Treasury Secretary Urges Quick Action on Economic Stimulus Plan.

WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Tuesday that Congress and the administration need to agree quickly on a package of tax cuts as the Federal Reserve cut a key interest rate by three-fourths of a percentage point to reinvigorate the economy.

"Time is of the essence and the president stands ready to work on a bipartisan basis to enact economic growth legislation as soon as possible," Paulson said in remarks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He spoke as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and leaders in both parties prepared to meet with President Bush at the White House to discuss a stimulus bill.

Such legislation presumably would involve tax rebates, business tax cuts and funding for a Democratic-led call for additional food stamp and employment aid.

The Fed's decision to slash the federal funds rate — the interest that banks charge each other on overnight loans — apparently was the biggest one-day move by the central bank in recent memory. The Fed cut the rate to 3.5 percent from 4.25 percent.

Its action was the most dramatic signal that it can send of its concern about a recession.
Hat tip: Fox News.

You may not want my two-cents, but here it is anyway. I wish they would leave the daggone market alone. Really. The housing always gets into a bubble, and most of us were waiting were for the prices to come down before we bought our house. Thank you very much, now I cannot buy a house because you are falsely keeping the inflated prices high. This is NOT what a free-marketer does.

I understand the panic due to the other countries tanking in their stock markets, but may I remind you that China has an unsustainablely high (falsely high) rate of exchange on its money. What is it, the yen? They refuse to accurately disclose the actual trade-in value. I don't give a damn if they tank! Doesn't anyone remember that this is what they were trying to do to us?

Nor do I care that Mexico is having a problem with all the illegal aliens here are going home to Mexico. I have no sympathy for that government. They actually sent a delegation to Arizona's STATE government to ask them not to follow Arizona's laws! That takes testicles! Yes, they are feeling the pressure of having to deal with the high unemployment, health care, and whatever crap they robbed from us that they are no longer able to steal. But I am getting off track.

The facts are, the Fed is one that raised the rates in the first place. If there is any blame to go around, look to Bernacke. (sp?) The rest of the blame belongs not on the sharks who were able to get you to sign over your mortgages to them so that you could enjoy low payments. This really irks me. YOU are the one who knew you couldn't afford the house. YOU are the one that enjoyed your house while I had to wait patiently for the bubble to burst. So why I have to pay for YOU to keep YOUR house? I SHOULD NOT, and that's a fact. Good day.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Trackbacked to these posts using Linkfest and others: Pirate's Cove: TLF: A “Testy Exchange” At The Defeatocrat Debates, Is It Just Me?: New Family Addition, third world county: Snow Day!, Celebrity Smack: Sweet Dreams are Made of Links, Right Truth: Do the voters really understand what's at stake, Blue Star Chronicals: The Marines New Commercial, Big Dog's Weblog: The Phantom of the Oprah, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
6. third world county: “Mugger” Pledges: Will Give Money Back.
5. Planck's Constant: heath ledger dead - lesson for the rich and famous.
4. A Blog For All: Fred Thompson Drops Out Of 2008 Presidential Race.
3. 123beta: Firefox Hack: Speed Up Rendering.
2. Planck's Constant: Why I'm a Gold Bug.
1. Right Truth: The Edwards Implosion. Digg! Digg!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Barack Obama's Speech

What an inspiring speech and a great communicator! Yes, I am a Conservative, but that does not mean I have to turn off my common sense because of politics. Not on this day. I happen to admire Dr. King. You must listen to Sen. Obama's speech. Take off your political hat first, though.

Here is part of the text of his speech:
So let us say that on this day of all days, each of us carries with us the task of changing our hearts and minds. The division, the stereotypes, the scape-goating, the ease with which we blame our plight on others -- all of this distracts us from the common challenges we face -- war and poverty; injustice and inequality.

We can no longer afford to build ourselves up by tearing someone else down. We can no longer afford to traffic in lies or fear or hate. It is the poison that we must purge from our politics; the wall that we must tear down before the hour grows too late.

Because if Dr. King could love his jailor; if he could call on the faithful who once sat where you do to forgive those who set dogs and fire hoses upon them, then surely we can look past what divides us in our time, and bind up our wounds, and erase the empathy deficit that exists in our hearts. [The Corner, (not the NRO corner).]

You may read the entire text over there. I may not agree with everything he said and I don't know about you, but if McCain is our nominee? I'm voting for Obama. Listen up, Republicans!

Update: Okay, let me clear this up right now why I would vote for Obama. If McCain gets the nod, we conservatives are out to pasture and the White House will be Lefter than any Democrat could ever possibly take it! Global warming? The Fairness Doctrine for the radio programs but not the TV or papers? More laws on freedom speech through campaign finance reform? You've got to kidding me, right?

The way Republicans performed under the Bush administration has been pathetic. If we are going to have a Democrat in the White House, it might as well be one from the DEMOCRAT party. This way, we should be able to light a fire up under those spineless Republicans.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Posts I've trackbacked to: The Corner: We cannot walk alone - Barack Obama Speaks at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Wolf Pangloss: Martin Luther King Weekend Open Post and Trackbacks, Dumb Ox Daily Ox: Obama to Billary Clinton: "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!".

Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
4. Mark My Words: Michael Medved - rather stuck on himself.
3. Mark My Words: Fred Thompson - announcement tomorrow?
2. Right Truth: Do the voters really understand what's at stake.
1. 123beta: Take A Walk On The Mild Side: Lou Reed. Digg! Digg!

Michael Yon's Portfoliod in the NYTimes

Amazingly enough, even the New York Times gets it right once in a while. Today, the fourth article in their business section is Frontline Blogger Covers War in Iraq With a Soldier’s Eyes. I've read it, and Mr. Richard PÉrez-PEÑA has done a very good job on capturing the man we know as Michael Yon. Please go read it. Have a great day.

Hat tip: Instapundit. Digg! Digg!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

It's a sad state of affairs

Anyone who knows me from My Newz 'n Ideas, knows that I am a political junkie. It is sad, however, this situation I find myself in these days. As you may have noticed, I have not been writing about politics that often. There is a reason for this. I'm disgusted with the candidates we have. Plain and simple.

Duncan Hunter is out of the running because a bunch of sheeple listened to and believed the stupid people behind the microphones of talk radio (who have their own axes to grind or candidates they've been backing from the beginning) telling us that this person or that person is not electable. SHAME ON YOU FOR BELIEVING THEM.

We have now lost the only Conservative left standing. Who is going to build our fence now? Who is going to make Iran back down? Who is going to confront China? Who is going to throw all of the illegal aliens out of this country? If no one will, why do we even bother paying anyone to protect our borders? COME ON, SHEEPLE.

Well, there is one low-key conservative left. That would be Fred Thompson. You can say what you will about his performances. If you are looking for entertainment, turn on the tv and leave the politics to us grown ups.

Anyway, I didn't start out with that rant. What is really bothering me is the talk show industry. Gee, I wish I would have had as much publicity when I decided to run for office. I'm seriously considering it again, just like my fried Chad T. Everson. He is running for office in Minnesota. That site is not his campaign headquarters! He is also the ideas-man behind Grizzly Groundswell. I have misplaced it temporarily. *oops*

The facts are, we don't access to the press or talk radio programs. Know why? We did not play by 'their' rules. How do I know? I started running for a local office over 3 years ago. I was forced to drop out of the race. I could not gather enough 'party support' on the strength of my ideas. Apparently that didn't even matter. Instead, it came down to 'who' I knew and 'what' I had for the party. I guess all of those years of volunteering (for free) to elect people to higher offices was nothing? You guys make me sick.

Well. That's my rant. Sorry if it was boring, and I don't even feel better...One more thought before I go. Remember when California had the recall to get rid of Gov. Grey Davis? Everyone wanted to vote for Tom McClintock, but we were told that he was UNELECTABLE. Funny thing, HE WAS A SENATOR! Hmm. I wonder how he got there if he was so unelectable? Well, now we have Aaarnold. The defecit is greater than when we recalled Davis! I VOTED FOR TOM MCCLINTOCK. I was not swayed by the big mouths. I voted for the correct person, the right candidate. I know, because now everyone is saying they wish they had, too. WELL, YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE. Don't make the same mistake again. VOTE FOR FRED. Thank you.

This is the latest you can get it Sunday Nite Open Trackback. In order to participate, please go register at Linkfest. For those of you who really don't want to do that, you may still trackback with your best article, news, cartoons, whatever. Just enjoy yourself. Oh yes, no porn is allowed on this site. Y'all have a good day.

Posts that I've trackbacked to: The Virtuous Republic, 123beta, Stix Blog, Right Truth, Big Dog's Weblog, Leaning Straight Up, Conservative Cat, InvestorBlogger dot com, Nuke Gingrich, third world county, The World According To Carl, Pirate's Cove, Wolf Pangloss, Dumb Ox Daily News, Stageleft, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):
2. Faultline USA: Blogs4Borders Video Blogburst 012108.
1. Stix Blog: Why did the Chicken Cross the Road???

Saturday, January 19, 2008

News you should know about

Howdy y'all. I'm just sitting here wondering why we even bothered to waste our time letting Congress know how strongly we feel about illegal aliens when you, in South Carolina, are only going to vote for John McCain, author of the amnesty bill. Hey, it wasn't me.

I would like to ask all of you to pray for one of our blogger friends. I was not given permission, so I will not use his/her name, but this person's marital partner has had a heart attack and is in the hospital. With all of the medical breakthroughs we have had in the last few decades, he/she should be just fine. It is pretty serious, though. I don't believe they have any breakthroughs to help people when they look death squarely in the face, whether it happens that way or not. It is very unnerving when you come that close to losing your best friend. God be with them every moment.

I caught up on some sleep I desperately needed. That feels good. I always feel a little 'off-key', however, when that happens. I do not do it on purpose. My body is sometimes the boss. *heh* (Thanks David for the *heh*. I'm stealing it. Isn't there something that says imitation is a form of flattery? lol) Getting back my monologue. Okay, dribble. ;)

There is so much I want to write about, but I do not have the time. There is an article in the Sudan Tribune titled, "Sudan wants released rebel monitors to leave Darfur ceasefire HQ". This article does not help any form of movement forward for peace between Khartoum and Darfur.

There is also an article written at Counter Terrorism Blog by Andrew Cochran titled, "The "Cartoon Jihad" - The Lie That Doesn't Die." The terrorists just will not leave this alone until everyone is silenced. My words, not his. The whole ordeal started out with a lie, but it shall be put down by the Truth.

The next article is also from the Counter Terrorism Blog by Olivier Guitta. The title of this is, "Europe faces up to Iranian threat." I found this one particularly interesting. Did you know, for instance, that the Dutch are considering banning altogether Iranian students? They have already refused three Iranian students who wanted to study nuclear techniques. Very interesting how they are getting tougher while the Left in America are going soft of Iran's nuclear weapons drive. Interesting indeed. This is happening because the NIE was released not too long ago. I guess no one read the part that said, "Iran could start up their programs anytime they felt like it".

Just for the record. I believe, if they actually did stop progress on their nuclear weapons, it was because WE WERE RIGHT NEXT DOOR. Everyone talks about international pressure? There's nothing like the good ol' US of A's Army and Marines to help you change your feeble-minded ways. When the Democrats started showing weakness, the war against Iran's weapons was lost. They started back up. Thank you, you useful idiots. The blood will be on your hands.

I have just stumbled upon these two articles by the same blog, Counter Terrorism Blog. The first one is titled, "Text of Original Senate Finance Committee Letter on Suspect Charities, Including IARA", and the second one is titled, "Another Indictment Shows Sophistication of Charity Operations". They are written by Andrew Cochran and Douglas Farah respectively.

The first one concentrates on terrorists financing and Congressional oversight with the IRS, while the second one concerns a newly released indictment. There is just one more that I would like to bring to your attention, and that is, "Al-Qaida's MySpace": How Suicide Bombers Are Being Recruited Online. It is written by Evan Kohlmann. Anyone who is following these monsters on the terrorists sites and forums, when they disappear, inform someone. They are showing up as suicide bombers for al Qaida.

That should be enough for now. Now I think I shall have a cup of tea (we don't have any) and relax. Yeah right! Oh brother. Please God, help us to elect someone who will actually KEEP OUR SOVEREIGNTY and win this war they are having with us, because you sure as heck couldn't convince me we are at war with ANYONE...

Each of the men writing for Counter Terrorism Blog is an expert in one field or another having to do with counter-terrorism. They do not always agree, which makes it a very good read. They do not act like children when they disagree, they present their facts and try to persuade the readers and the person with whom they disagree to agree with them. Or at least, if nothing else, to look at the data with fresh eyes. They are a very fine group of men, and I am very grateful we have them on our team.

Have a good day everyone.

Update: Debbie has written about the health of her husband and thanks us all for our prayers and concern, so it is okay for me to disclose her name. Please go to her site and send her your warm wishes, prayers, encouragement, and just plain old decent concern. Thank you.

Posts I have trackbacked to: Douglas Farah: Indictment of Another Islamic Charity Shows Possible Tradecraft, Right Truth: Reflections. Digg! Digg!